
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Zeus, The Recumbent- and the Multiple Intrusions

Zeus, The Recumbent- enjoying some quality time with the Lion deity. He was then joined by Maximus- whereby they paid tribute to the most revered Lion from their pantheon of feline deities. However, Lucy saw an opportunity for a photo op  with neither an understanding, nor a care in the world that she had entered the realm of the most sacred feline site of worship. Zeus was understandably distressed by her intrusion and swiftly chased her and the paparazzo away.


  1. Judging from his expression in that first photo, I'd say that Zeus probably thinks the sacred lion statue is there in his honour... like it was built for him. Your furbabies are completely adorable, by the way.

    1. No question, Kate!! You hit the nail on the head with respect to Zeus's overinflated sense of his importance. I am largely to blame for having given him that name!! Thank you-- they are a sweet little odd bunch!!

  2. Moar photos, please! I *so* wish I were allowed pets.

    1. I will keep them coming. Maybe your next place will allow pets, or rather maybe next time you decide to move you will look for a place that does allow furry friends!! :D

  3. Awww, you named her Lucy! That is a sweet, sweet name.
    Is it a reference to valiant, faithful, and lovely Lucy Pevensie?

    1. We did!!! Given that I LOVED The Chronicles of Narnia growing up- you would have thought that it was the intended reference. Maybe unconsciously, but it wasn't intentional. My sister has a dog names Lucy-- so it may be a bit confusing for them once they meet, but the name just plain suited her. That, and of course I couldn't have her think that her proper name was Little Monkey (though I do still call her that as well).

    2. Oh Lola, I think we are very alike. :)

    3. You just realizing this, my beloved Boo?! :-)

    4. I knew that already; I wanted it to be known to the Internet. :)
      I'm happy we are alike. It makes your blog a fun place to visit.
      By the way, after a long break, I finished the second oil/varnish coat on the dresser. I have only to sand & finish the doors and 1 shelf and it'll be done. It's a beauty! I wish I had taken before shots so I can show you how changed it is.

    5. Me too!!!!!! And it makes our interactions that much more fun! I'm actually kind of surprised that you didn't take before pictures so that you could show everyone that you know the before and after. I will be very happy to see the pictures. Did you have to do any work on the mirror that you got? I can't remember. Isn't it just the best feeling when you can see the fruits of your labor?!

  4. Zeus, The Recumbent & The Multiple Intrusions sounds like the name of a band!! Cool beasties!!

    1. HILARIOUS!!!! I was actually going for something along those lines! They are a funny bunch, that's for sure!

  5. YAY for Lucy, she got a name:))A lovely name! I think Lucy is perfect.
    Zeus is really the most strange cat. Very regal looking - especially with the marking on his forehead. His poses remind me more of a yogi than of a cat. I wonder who he was in his previous life:)

    1. Thanks, Buggsiebee!! Lucy does seem to suit her! To say that Zeus is strange is an understatement. He is the least cat-like cat that I have ever met!! His pose is more like that of a yogi than a cat!! LOL!!

  6. LOL that's an adorable little bunch you have there! And maybe I missed the post, but I love the name Lucy! It definitely fits her. My friend had a little Maltipoo that looked a little like your baby and her name was Lucy too :P

    1. Thanks, Becca! I actually hadn't made the "official" post yet saying that she got a name. I was waiting to get a few more good pictures of her before! I'm so glad that you like her name!! That's so sweet that your friend's little Maltipoo is also Lucy!! :-)

  7. HAHAHAHA. Zeus is so chill. That pose is killing me!

    1. I know!! Isn't his pose just ridiculous?! He's a seriously weird little dude!


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