
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lola's Secret Beauty Blog Milestone- as Noted by Zeus

As I was sitting and working, feeling a bit frustrated and tired- Zeus urged me to take a break and  look at Lola's Secret Beauty Blog for a moment since I had been too busy to take a peek all day. He assured me that my frustration and fatigue would, at least temporarily, be replaced by glee. So per his request (who am I to argue with Zeus after all), I took at look at the blog to find that we had indeed achieved a notable milestone that snuck up on me sooner than expected. I therefore need to thank you for your loyal readership and friendship- because these numbers would not be what they are in just over 9 months time were it not for you. Truth be told, I started this blog for me for fun, but I now am proud to say that I maintain it for you as well! You inspire me every day! Your comments and emails make me very happy, and while I may tempt you with the things that I love-- you do the same to me! I love the reciprocal nature of what we have forged.
Blog born November 6, 2011
215,532 unique visits
524 Posts
1110 subscribers through various media (not including RSS feed)
1500-2400 views each day lately
I have forged friendships with so many readers and fellow bloggers
I have made it onto the blog rolls of many of my very favorite bloggers
I have forged relationships with numerous PR companies
I have become a member of 6 industry groups
I participate in three different weekly roundups
Klout Score 45
I have posted something everyday since starting the blog

What I find quite interesting is that the blog has begun to take on a life its own- so it will be very interesting to see how it evolves. I no longer simply view Lola's Secret Beauty Blog as my blog-- it really feels like our blog!
 ...And all of this for simply pursuing a hobby about my skincare and makeup obsessions! A heartfelt thanks to you from the bottom of my heart! xoxo


  1. Congratulations! I always enjoy reading your blog, even if it does make me spend more than I should :-P

    And I always love seeing pictures of Zeus and his furry fellowship.

    1. Thank you , Kate!! That means a lot coming from you-- and I feel the same way about your fantastic and thought-provoking blog!

      I'm glad that you enjoy seeing Zeus-- he's most definitely quite a character!

  2. Congratulations! So happy to have you as part of the community. xoxo

    1. Thank you so much-- you have no idea what that means to me! Your blog was one of my greatest inspirations to start a beauty blog-- no exaggeration. I am honored ad humbled that you feel this way, truly! xoxox

  3. I JUST noticed that Zeus has two different coloured eyes!! Such a beautiful cat.

    My dear, I love your presence and contribution and am so glad to have connected with you. Your enthusiasm is inspiring! <3

    1. Aren't his eyes amazing?!! He's a pretty spectacular little guy!! he certainly is as weird as he is beautiful :D

      Thank you for saying such meaningful and touching things-- you inspire me all of the time. Your blog is spectacular, but it's really the woman behind the blog that is the real sensation! Connecting with you has been one of the greatest pleasures in blogging! <3

  4. Hi, Lola, Congratulations on the milestone! It takes hard work and persistence to gain readership, keep it up! I wish I had more time and be less lazy to keep up at my blog...Zeus has amazing eyes!

    1. Thanks, Rola!!! It definitely does take hard work. Your blog is fantastic, period. You put in the time that you can, and one also has to remember that there are many other things in life as well! Zeus's eyes are pretty amazing. He's also a ridiculously smart and clever cat! <3

  5. Wow! That is so impressive! You really do deserve a pat on the back, I'm glad Zeus convinced you to take a peek :)
    (I had a sweet mastiff named Zeus)

    1. Thanks, Victoria! I'm glad that I listened to Zeus as well! Zeus is a great name for a mastiff!! :)

  6. Congratulations, Lola! Your blog is fantastic and I am happy that stumbling upon it one day ultimately spawned our lovely friendship!

    Keep up the excellent work, dear friend ; )


    --The Beauty Professor

    1. Oh honey, that makes me smile!! Thank you for your kind words! Indeed our friendship is one of the most treasured benefits to have come from blogging!! xoxox <3

  7. Awesome!!! Those are impressive stats for not even a year!! Congratulations!!

    I haven't been following your blog for very long, but already you've become one of my favorite bloggers. Not only is your content outstanding, but the way you interact with your readers is so kind and thoughtful. It's very apparent how much time you take out of the day to respond to everyone, and also to create such detailed and descriptive posts. I love the way you write, and I hope my blog someday grows up to be an example like yours :-)


    1. Thanks, Gummy!! That means the world to me that you feel that way!! Thank you for saying that-- I really do care, and love interacting with everyone-- that's what makes it worth it! Thanks for the kind words about my writing. this type of writing is certainly more fun than the academic writing that I am used to doing!!! Your blog is already outstanding. You are a valued friend, Gummy!

  8. You are such a dear, sweet person that it's no wonder your readers all feel that you're a friend. It's very refreshing, I must say, a lot of other beauty bloggers try to be clever at the expense of heartfelt communication. Liz Reductionista's blog is one of the best, too. It's all about personality, I mean, we share each other's lives even if in a small way. These exchanges mean something!

    Anyway, on to your cat, who apparently wears black Calvin Klein briefs. I have no explanation for the tail part though. That beautiful kitty looks as if he has a healthy sense of self, no doubt developed due to your affectionate ministrations. I want him. I know I shouldn't covet other peoples' cats, but it's just what I do.

    1. Carrie, what a lovely think for you to say. I was otherwise having a pretty stressful day-- and what you said just brought tears to my eyes, seriously. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Liz is unquestionably one of the best, as are you! I agree that it is all about personality and interactions-- and ultimately less about swatches, and more about forging a community! I agree- these exchanges really do me something!

      LOL- about Zeus and the black CK briefs-- that's HILARIOUS!! He's a really really weird little dude. He definitely has a very healthy sense of self, and is shockingly uncat-like in so many ways. You can covet him all you want-- and if you ever come to LA you can meet him in person! xxoo <3

    2. I think that it's safe to say, that the feeling is completely mutual. I'm quite sure that Carrie agrees! xoxox <3

  9. Wow those are some great numbers!! Congratulations hon--you truly deserve it! :D

    1. Thanks so much, sweetie! I appreciate you celebrating it with me!!!!!!!! YOur blog totally rocks, by the way! But you already knew how I felt about you and your lovely blog!

  10. Congrats on your wonderful milestones, love reading your successes!

    1. Thank you so much, Tina!! That is such a kind and generous thing for you to say!! I'm just so glad to have met you! xx

  11. Congratulations Lola! I just hit my 501st post today so I guess it's celebrations all round :) And...I've never seen a kitty with different coloured eyes - Zeus is unique in the most gorgeous way! xo

    1. Thanks, Vita!! And a big congratulations to you as well-- your blog is fabulous!! Zeus's eyes are pretty spectacular-- he's a pretty boy! xo


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