
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hi, My Name is Lucy...

...and I don't believe that we have been properly introduced yet. I am the youngest member of my family, and I am still so small (I'm only 3 months old) that even the smallest kitty is way bigger than me. My mommy and daddy say that I need to become "potty trained," but I am- I trained myself to go potty whenever I need to- no matter where I may be. Well, except in my crate when I sleep because that would just be gross to go potty where you sleep!
I'm not too crazy about taking my bath each week, but mommy and daddy say that I get to smelling pretty funky- whatever that means. I really like jumping and running, and my mommy says that my legs are like pogo sticks because of the way I bounce straight up in the air. I can't tell if mommy is making fun of me, but she says that my back feet are pointed like little elf's shoes- and when I run down the hall with my pink bell toy she says I look and sound like one of Santa's little helpers. Of course she laughs so hard that it's hard to understand what she's actually saying. You laughing now, mommy?! I just went potty on your bath towel! I like chewing things, but shoes have to be my favorite, and your favorites are my favorites too! Anyhow, I think I'm ready for a little nap now- but I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to you. Have a nice weekend- since that's what you humans seem to say. xo, Lucy


  1. Awwww, so cute. :D

    Hope you and Lucy have a great weekend! xo

    1. She's a pretty cute pup!! Thanks, Liz- you too! xo <3

  2. I think my heart just melted. Your pup is so cute

    1. Thanks, Vicki!! She's really a total sweetie, and a happy little puppy at that!

  3. She is just adorable. You've got a long way to go with housetraining though at only 3 months. My dog ate shoes for 2 years. And we won't talk about the number of remotes he destroyed. I could practically turn on the TV by petting him.

    1. She is, and she's a happy little puppy at that!! She rolls over on her back so that you can gently rub her belly-- then she looks you square in the eyes, lets out a deep sigh, and then closes her eyes. It totally melts your heart. I wish that she was potty trained and less destructive, but by the same time if she were all of those things she would no longer be a little puppy!! Hilarious visual imagining you petting your dog to turn on the TV-LOL!!!!!!

  4. I want her!!!! Tee hee :-) She's sooooo crazy adorable!!

    1. She's a funny and cute little puppy!! We are so happy that she joined our clan of weird animals!! :D

  5. awwww :) as long as you keep an eye on them and constantly correct their behaviour they learn very fast. my puppy used to eat shoes all the time, but she learned not to very quickly.

    1. Right?! That does seem to be the trick-- consistency is so important. We certainly don't want bad habits to form once she's grown up!! The shoe eating is not cool!! Enjoy the remainder of your weekend, Anna! xx

  6. Nice to officially meet you Lucy - she's grown already!!!

    1. It's hard to believe that she has already grown so much, Vita! She's a really sweet little soul!

  7. awwww ;) she is precious!

  8. LOVE her!! She and Jethro must meet!


    The Beauty Professor

    1. I completely agree! It will be mad love between them, I suspect! <3 xoxo

  9. Lucy is so cute! She makes me wanna tawk baby tawk.

    1. She definitely has the effect on people. Except of course when she's going potty on the floor in the house!! OMG-- I love that letter that Roald Dahl wrote to Amy-- can you imagine having received that letter from him?! Talk about magical!! Thanks for that amazing tweet, honey! xoxox


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