
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Happy Sunday from Zeus, The Strange!

 Honestly, have you ever seen a weirder cat?!


  1. Gymnast cat is flexible. :) Gorgeous cat!

    1. Isn't he a funny character?! He definitely is very flexible, but he's definitely a pretty boy!

  2. Aww! he's so cute! My cat has the same eyes as well! I should post a picture of her at some point!

    1. He's a cutie alright! Your cat has one blue and one amber eye as well?!! Is she a Van Cat as well?

    2. Please do post some pictures, Elysse!! :-)

  3. LOL omg that's hilarious. It looks like he's stretching to touch his toes in that last one. How DO cats get in such positions? Little weirdo :P

    1. He;s totally hilarious, and ABSOLUTELY a complete weirdo! He really is one of the strangest cats that I have ever known. He does odd things all of the time, and quite often doesn't even behave like a cat!

  4. what a lovely cat! Zeus is a great name!

    1. Thank you, Anna!!! He's a lovely kitty, and so fun(ny) to live with!!! :-)

    2. I went looking for your blog the other day and it seemed to have bee taken down-- did you move it somewhere else? send me your URL if you did.

  5. Love those eyes! I just had to fish Simon off the dining room door, where he was trying to figure out how to walk around the room on the moulding and the heat has meant that I've spent much of the evening taking feline requests to be put in the freezer (with the door open and me standing guard, don't worry), so I think weird is sort of par for the course when you're owned by cats...

    1. His eyes are pretty cool. I will have to post a close up so that you can really see the color difference more clearly-- it's pretty remarkable. Zoe loves to hang out on the top of doors as well-- it's pretty funny watching her get up and down-- and she has also tried to negotiate the moulding-- which is pretty hilarious. What a great idea to let them hang out in the freezer-- I imagine that a Canadian summer requires more freezer lounging than the kind that we see here in LA! So true, weird is definitely par for the course when you are owned by cats!!!!!!!!! I hope that you had a nice weekend!

  6. Kind of reminds me of our younger cat although he's a bit more on the tubby side. Still quite the contortionist though!!

    1. Ahhh- so you live with a troupe member of Cirque Du Soleil as well :-)

  7. Replies
    1. He really is-- he's such a character. He never ceases to amaze me with his eccentricities-- even within the context of being a cat he is an odd duck!


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