
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Empties Post: Volume I- August 2012

This is my first Empties post, and it is inspired by my friend Liz, better known in the blogosphere as Beauty Reductionista. It was her encouragement that prompted me to do this post in the first place. That said, Liz is the Empties goddess, and anything that I do will pale in comparison. Yet, I continually derive such a sense of vicarious satisfaction from her monthly empties that it feeds my nearly irrational need to use up the things that I purchase. I really hate waste- so the idea of tossing unused or partially used things out that I spent good money on just doesn't fit into the scheme of things for me. Add to that the fact that I am extremely dedicated to recycling empty containers- rather than having them end up in the landfill-- so documenting my progress is quite satisfying.
Haircare products: I really loved every single last drop of the Oribe Signature Masque and Conditioner- both were very moisturizing- which is essential for my naturally curly hair. This is an expensive luxury line, but the products are really high quality and lovely. I still have some of their shampoo left, as well as a very nice curl enhancing cream styling product. I am a big fan of Davines shampoos, conditioners, and styling products, and have used many more than the three shown here. The Kim Vo Radiant Styling Creme was a nice product, but I didn't find it particularly unique. I have always liked Aveda's Shampure Shampoo-- so it took no effort to empty the travel size that I had. The TRESemmé Anti-Frizz Secret was good for frizz, but I didn't really like the lingering smell that it left behind (unless I love the scent, I don't want to get whiffs of it throughout the day).
Skincare: As you are well aware, I am a skincare fanatic-- and I always have been. If I had to choose between skincare and makeup, I would choose skincare every time. The Clé de Peau La Créme was a hand-me-down from my mom-- it is a luxurious rich cream, but I think that it was a bit too rich for my combination skin. The Natura Bissé Diamond Cream was another hand-me-down from mom, this is another expensive luxury cream that is rich, but so quickly absorbed. I really really like this product, plus their Diamond eye cream is spectacular. The Creme de la Mer was yet another hand-me-down from mom. It is a bit too rich for my skin, and it contains petrolatum and mineral oil-- which often causes me to break out, and gives me milia. Their gel moisturizer is much better suited to my skin. Those are not my first Sunday Riley empties, just the most recent ones. The clear empty bottle in the lower left is MAKE UP FOR EVER Sens'Eyes makeup remover-- I love this stuff-- it is gentle, yet effective, and it removes even the toughest waterproof formulas.
Makeup and Fragrance: When it comes to fragrance samples, if I don't like the way that they smell on me- then I use them as room spray near the kitty litter box-- it does wonders! The small bottle in the upper right is an essential oil that I used to add fragrance to some jojoba oil that I was using as a body oil-- it's a easy and inexpensive way to personalize scents. I just finished my Chanel Stylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner in Espresso-- I have used up many of these over the years-- they are really fantastic. The empty pan beneath it was a Trish McEvoy blush that my mom gave me-- it was nice, but nothing too exciting. The Suki Color Tinted Active Moisturizer is a very nice product that contains salicylic acid and white willow- keeping oily skin in check, and giving it beautiful medium coverage.
Body Care: The Marc Jacobs Blush Body Cream was a nearly full hand-me-down from my sister, and truth be told the fragrance didn't mesh with my body chemistry as well as I had hoped-- it was okay on me, but definitely not great. The Williams-Sonoma Hand Lotion, on the other hand, was great down to the last drop. I am a fan of Tom's Deodorants, and have been using them since I was a teenager. The lavender is nice, but I prefer some of their other scents on me. The Body Shop DeoDry Deodorant was pretty nice, but now that I am using my Kai Deodorant everything else is just another deodorant.

There really is something supremely satisfying about seeing all of these empties, and now knowing that I can send them on their merry way to the recycle center. Have you finished many products recently?


  1. I must explore the full range of Oribe, so far I like the Apres Beach Wave spray...I can relate, I am also more of a skincare fanatic. How did you like Algenist? I have only tried their mask and it is good. And now I am very curious about Natura Bisse Diamond cream. I tried several things from their line years ago and thought it was a fab skincare line.

    1. Hi Rola! I REALLY REALLY like everything that I have tried from Oribe. I love the feeling, the smell, and most of all how well my hair responds to their products. I know-- you and I are total twinsies when it comes to our preference of skincare over makeup, and we have the same taste to boot! The Algenist Regenerative Anti-Aging Moisturizer was fine, but nothing special for me at least. Not quite "meh," but also not terribly memorable for me at least. It's a good and respectable cream, but not one that I plan on purchasing. Now that Natura Bisse products, on the other hand, are AMAZING!!!!!!! Plus, since you have drier skin you would lose your mind over the Diamond Cream-- seriously amazing quality, and the Diamond Eye Cream is exceptional as well. It all expensive, but a little goes a very very very long way. I would rank them both among the best that I have tried! I agree-- it is a fab skincare line. I think it is really worth re-exploring! I also highly recommend the Sponge Gel Katharistiko cleanser-- it is my new favorite cleanser-- it's AMAZING and suitable for all skin types. It is non-stripping, and leaves the skin soft, supple and moisturized. I will write up my review soon.

  2. I'm impressed you finished a Chanel liner :) I have to admit that I end up wasting a lot of things due to them making me skin react so I can use them no longer, if I can't get husband to use them then I do end up pouring things down the sink! eek

    1. Well, I made a concerted effort to have some actual makeup in this post-- so when I noticed that the Chanel eyeliner was getting low I decided to use it daily until it was gone. I am now doing that with a Clinique eye crayon. I figure that those items are a bit more perishable than others so I decided to start making an effort to use them up before replacing them with others. We will see how that goes! I completely understand the skin reacting to products-- my face can be quite finicky and reactive. I have turned a good many face creams and eye creams into neck and body creams as a result. I do try to get my husband to use my rejects, but he's not consistent when it comes to using skincare products. xx

  3. You have used up so many lovely things! I love Aveda shampoo & lots of their haircair products, Great brand

    1. I certainly have tried to make a dent in my stash, Vicki! I love Aveda shampoo as well, and I like quite a few of their conditioners and styling products as well!


  4. Great post! It feels empowering to finish off a product and know I've not been wasteful.

    1. Thanks, Connie!! There is a definite real sense of satisfaction in finishing off a product!! Being wasteful really bothers me-- so doing this is highly satisfying!

  5. That is an incredible number of empties. I am utterly ashamed of myself as I tend to only finish a couple of products a month. I think I definitely need to put more effort into it! Thanks for the tip about using up the perfume samples :D

    1. Don't feel ashamed, Jane! Many of these things only had a few uses left. Some of these things were emptied out last month as well. It is tremendously satisfying seeing them as a big pile though!! The perfume sample/room spray trick is awesome near the kitty litter box-- the cats don't particularly like these scents, but then I don't particularly like the scents that they make!! :D

  6. I'm always hesitant to finish off products, because it means I have to restock >_< lol

    1. Well, there is that! Though for me the restocking is part of the fun!!! :D xx

    2. Too bad that restocking=so much $$$$$ spent!

  7. I love reading blogs on 'empties'. It's better than digging in your trash bin. ;P

    1. They are definitely fun posts for me to read as well!! Definitely a satisfying type of post to do! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  8. I'm impressed kiddo. First I have so much stuff in my house that I'd never know where to put the empties. Second I barely finish anything. I wonder if I should start doing this - maybe in two years I'd have enough to post (shampoo and mascara at least!).

    1. Thanks, Marcia!! I highly recommend it!! It is such a great way to keep you aware of what you have, and how much you have left in your bottles, tubes etc. Just grab a big bag, and toss it in a closet-- that's what I did.

      I also find that it helps in giving me more of a spending structure. For instance, if I still have too many of a certain thing I try to make myself finish one or two before buying another. I find this easier to do with face, hair & body products-- because a new color eye shadow or lipstick can somehow be more easily justified if the color is unique etc. If I have too many lotions, or shampoos, or eye creams it becomes less easy to justify the expenditure because of shelf life issues and how long it will take me to get through my considerable stash already. I'm trying to be a bit more sensible with some of my purchases in order to offset the insane manner in which I purchase other things! :-) Plus, it is just so satisfying to realize that I actually finishes these things-- it made tossing them in the recycle bin all the more satisfying after having documented the empties. I'd love to see your empties!!

  9. I'm always excited to see empties. They're look porn to me....I always find my buying speed faster than my using up speed. Really need some control in this department. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Me too-- I live for empties posts! I get so much vicarious pleasure from seeing products used up! Empties are total porn for me too! I agree, my buying speed tends to exceed my using up speed as well, Coco! My pleasure!!

  10. Whoa...that is a LOT of empties!!! You did DAMN well! I can't even remember the last product I used up, let alone having enough to fill up a post like you! Craziness. I am jealous of all your Sunday Riley--still REALLY wantng to try her skincare products...and cosmetics!

    1. Thanks, Becca!! Well, knowing that I was going to do this post was motivation to finish up everything that was getting close to empty-- so I really did focus a great deal of attention to using up those things. I still have a bunch of things that are nearly empty- so I am similarly making an increased effort to use them instead of other things. It's soooo satisfying seeing a big pile of things that are used I totally recommend it!! Plus it makes you feel better about other purchases knowing that you actually used the stuff being replaced! I will have more Sunday Riley empties next month as well-- I am almost finished with 4 other products.

  11. That's a massive empties "haul"! Congratulations, sister!
    By the by ;) I'm more of a skin care girl too & Tom's of Maine has been my deodorant of choice for ~10 years. High five!

    1. Thanks, love!! Yet other things that we have in common! :D This was super fun to do. It also has made me far more cognizant of what I have left in my bottles and jars, and has encouraged me to finish them so that I can collect more empties. It is definitely forcing me to be a smarter consumer as well! High five back! xx

    2. Lola, I am inept at typing on my smartphone. Would you believe this is my 6th attempt at commenting? I keep hitting the dang "more" button on my app, which takes me away from this comment box and I don't know how to get back without reloading the entire page. My comment attempts have gotten progressively delirious and less coherent while I look progressively drunk and disoriented. Why? Because your friend has decided to start exercising again. Step 1: power walking on the gym treadmill. Incentive: I can read as many beauty blogs as I want so long as I am on the treadmill at the same time. Mixing fine motor (i.e. texting) with gross motor (i.e. walking) demands WITH my newish smartphone = brain-addled BooBooNinja.

      Purpose of comment?
      Re: topic of being a smarter consumer.
      Phase 1 of Operation Empties is "Project Die Samples, Die". Have realised I will never again need to purchase travel-size containers. Also, beauty subscription services are evil. (And yet, I think I may resubscribe for 1 more box because then I'd earn enough points to get a free beauty box. Is this rational thinking? Or drunken treadmilling thinking?)

      Bye bye from your cray-crazy friend.

    3. ps Did you get anything from Zu's sale?
      pps Will I get blacklisted from asking the above... in response to an empties post?! HA HAHAHAHAaaaaaaaa

    4. Hilarious!!!!!! I love the vision of you reading and commenting while on the treadmill-- I almost spewed my coffee at the monitor reading this. Note to self: Don't take a sip of coffee while reading Boo's comment-- until I know that it has spew-proof content. You are killing me!! That said-- serious kudos to you for getting back to the gym!!

      On the topic of being a smarter consumer-- I am with you on the "Project Die Samples, Die." I will never have to purchase travel size containers either, and I am determined to use up all of the ones that I have! You know how I hate waste- plus I love trying new things that I won't necessarily buy-- so it's perfect in that way. I have yet to subscribe to one of the beauty subscription services. I have only tried Beauty Box 5-- which was sent to me for review. Unless these services provide at least one full size product of really good quality then I wouldn't be interested in subscribing because I see no point in paying for samples that I could get for free or as GWP. However, you do raise a really good point about the points earned toward a free beauty box. Not drunk thinking-- it's the type of thinking they want you to do!! The question is-- how good are the things within the box, and are they consistently good enough to justify the expense. If no, the money spent could be put toward something you really want-- like, ummmm Chantecaille Sel!!

    5. No, I haven't purchased anything from Zu's sale-- have you? I know you were scoping out Sel-- which didn't seem to make it into the sale. While I was salivating over all of the gorgeous things that she was selling-- I found that her major purge made me want to get rid of things that I am not using more than collecting new things. I didn't anticipate reacting that way!!!!!! I was shocked to see so many of her beloved Hakuhodo brushes and her new Suqqu brushes on the blog sale!

  12. You have written a fantastic website.

  13. Sorry for the late comment but this week was very busy!

    You're so kind but this empties post beats any of mine by miles!! Super fantastic job - how long were you hoarding these empties for?? Can you believe I've never finished a perfume in my life - not even the teeny tiny samples? It's a personal mission this year!

    And all those La Mers! One sample took me an entire winter and possibly longer. Your first empties is overwhelming. Fantastic!!!!!! :D

    1. Oh, no worries, Liz!!!!!

      My empties could NEVER beat yours in a million years! That said, approval from my friend The Empties Sensei means the world to me!! Believe it or not, I didn't really hoard for very long. I had a PILE of mostly used things that I made a serious concerted effort to use up. It started to really bug me how many mostly empty things that I had shoved to the back of the cabinet-- so I grabbed all of that stuff and put all of those things into daily rotation until they were empty, and that took less than a month of doing. The La Mer creams were all almost gone- so it was just one final push to dump them in the pile. The perfume samples were super easy because if they smelled questionable on me they smelled fabulous next to the kitty litter box! I can completely understand how you have not made it through an entire perfume-- let alone all of those little samples-- they are easy to forget about.

      Right now I am trying to make my way through a pile of samples and more nearly empty bottles and jars of product. I am also trying to get through a MAC eye shadow duo and another eye crayon. I seriously doubt that my empties post next month will be nearly as impressive as this one, but maybe with some luck it will be decent. I would ideally like to have far less clutter in my stash-- so I am definitely committed to getting through as much stuff as possible so that I an really see what I have!! :D

  14. oh wow..! It's so amazing how much products you've used up! It's really inspiring and motivating for me..because I also love this feeling of ending up a product..but I am afraid of using everything simultaneously. ^^" I think now I start ending up my products with fresh energy :'D

    1. Hi Individual.Emotion!

      I'm so glad that this is motivating you to use up what you have!! I always find Empties posts so motivating for me as well! At first I found that it really took a concerted effort to use up all of my half empty products, but now I relish the thought of using up what I have. Not feeling wasteful has also had the added benefit of making me a more discriminating consumer in that each time that I think of buying something I have to imagine myself using it up in its entirety, and if I can't imagine doing that I simply don't buy it!! Keep me posted!! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment! xx

  15. How do you have so many perfume samples?!

    1. Hi Amy,

      For some reason I had amassed quite a pile of perfume samples last year, and decided to use them up! I was doing lots of traveling at the time- so I just took them with me. When they didn't get on well with my body chemistry I used them to deodorize the room where we have our kitty litter box-- so nine went to waste! Thanks for stopping by! :-)


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