
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Zeus, The Strange

Changing the bed linens is always a challenge in our household. It reads as an express invitation to jump, play, wrestle, and sleep on the bare mattress. So we have to try to handle it swiftly like a SWAT Tactical Operation of sorts. Of course our attempts are almost always thwarted by any one of our domestic feline thugs, but this is one of the funnier episodes. As you all surely know by now, Zeus is a kitty contortionist who really needs to join Cirque du Soleil in order for his true talents to be fully realized- one would swear that he hasn't a bone in his body by the way that he continually folds over on himself. This position is so comfortable for him that he often actually sleeps this way. He is a very odd, yet wildly amusing and infinitely lovable, guy.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Elysse! He's a very lovely, but weird cat! Have a fantastic weekend! xoxo

  2. OMG--this is truly amazing. I so wouldn't mind having to put off changing my sheets if I saw THAT sprawled across my mattress :P

    1. I know!! He sometimes does things that are so surprising and astonishing. He's a pretty spectacular creature, really! We definitely put off changing the sheets!! He did it again yesterday too! xoxo

  3. LOL! At first I thought the cat was sitting on top of a dog. Zeus, eh? Love him!

    1. More like sitting on top of Mt. Olympus! Should not have named him after a powerful mythological diety-- he is generally too power hungry! That said, he is an awesome, though at times wreckless, feline! LOL

  4. Replies
    1. Isn't that hysterical?! He's a super funny kitty-- a true original!! I hope that you are having a lovely weekend, Eugenia!!

  5. OMG I love this cat! What an adorable little guy!

    1. He's definitely a trip!! He's a complete and total contortionist-- I catch him in the weirdest positions all of the time-- I have never met a more limber cat who favors strange seemingly uncomfortable positions!!!

  6. P.S. Have you tried adding sharing buttons to your posts (maybe use Digg Digg)?

    1. That's a great idea-- thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to get on that! xx


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