
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rouge Bunny Rouge Face Contour Brush #012 Review

Rouge Bunny Rouge, while best known for their exquisite makeup, is woefully underrated for their equally high quality brushes. My first foray into the realm of their brushes was with their Large Eye Shader brush (reviewed here): a brush so magnificent that I have reached for it first ever since I purchased it. Don't get me wrong, I am not waxing and waning in my devotion to Hakuhodo brushes- I am steadfast in my devotion to Hakuhodo. I just have learned that I can simultaneously love Rouge Bunny Rouge brushes as well.
One of my recent RBR acquisitions was the Face Contour Brush (012), and while it was intended as a contour brush I thought that the paddle would be perfect as a blush brush (and I don't contour).  The paddle shape and size allows for the precise and flawless application of blush. The pointed tip, which is perfect for contouring, can also be used to place blush on the apples of the checks with great precision, while the flat side of the brush is perfectly suited for the application of a sweeping wash of color on the cheeks. I have even applied pressed powder with this brush, and found that it delivered the perfect amount of coverage. This brush is made from natural squirrel hair and is as soft as can be. Despite the fact that it is a soft brush it isn't floppy, but instead it boasts enough spring that it is impressive at picking up and laying down pigment with great ease. Indeed, this brush is so luxuriously soft that you may be tempted to keep sweeping it across your face-- which can be hazardous if you have loaded it with a pigmented blush (so unless clown cheeks is the look that you are going for, beware).
According to Rouge Bunny Rouge: It has a "comfortable, perfectly balanced wooden handle. Natural squirrel hair.  This brush is excellent in terms of creating accents to emphasize your facial contours with a dark blusher below and a highlighting powder above your cheekbones. Then use the Blusher Brush 002 to apply Blusher for a rosy glow over your contouring. With the help of this brush and two shades of Blusher or Highlighting Powder you will be able to create an ideal oval face shape. You would like to look natural and irresistible?  Then this brush is what you need!"
Additionally, so far my brush hasn't shed a single hair- so I am quite please in that regard as well. To see the size of the Contour Brush compared to the RBR Blusher Brush Click here. For other fantastic reviews of this brush please visit The Non-BlondeModesty Brown, and Visionary Beauty.
Overall Assessment: Blush & contour brush heaven! I'm so happy with my purchase that I could shout it from the rooftops! It is not an inexpensive brush, but it is worth the cost. I waited and picked mine up when Beautyhabit was having a 20% off sale- so that definitely took the sting out of the price.

Approximately $56.00 USD. Available from Beautyhabit and Zuneta.


  1. It must be a really good brush if it does not shed. I once got {an entire set} of brushes that shed before they ever touched a powder.

    1. Hi Jessica! So far not a hair! That's awful that that entire set shed before even touching a powder!! I have lost a few hairs on some of my Hakuhodo brushes, but not enough to even raise an eyebrow!

  2. A good brush makes makeup so much more fun, doesn't it?

    1. It really does, Kimberly! It really takes it to a whole different level. There really isn't anything quite like good quality brushes!

  3. I have a lot that don't shed but sometimes they don't feel good on my face - my Nars Yachiyo is one like that - it's just so scratchy. Beautiful review!

    1. Thank you. That's a really really good point, Marcia! Oh no, really? I have always been very curious about the NARS Yachiyo, but I'm not crazy about scratchy brushes. Would you suggest the Hakuhodo Yachiyo instead? I have been a lemming for Yachiyo brushes for a while.

  4. I found you because you found me on Twitter!! I've spent the afternoon skimming through your posts - love your blog and I see we have something in common with our shared love of MAC Shale eyeshadow and some mutual followers :) I'm now on your GFC list. Vita xo

    1. Hi Vita! I'm so glad you love my blog-- the feeling is absolutely mutual!! I'm now on your GFC list as well! I look forward to getting to know you better! Have a lovely weekend! xo Lola

  5. Looks so nice and fluffy! I'm not very sophisticated with brushes, I'm afraid. Some day. :)

    ^Nice to see you connecting with Vita! :)

    1. It's a lovely brush, to be sure! I have found that great brushes really make you apply your makeup with more skill and precision! Once you take that leap you will be so happy that you did!

      Vita is so lovely-- I'm so glad to have made the connection with her!

  6. That is a great brush, I do really love my RBR brushes I am thinking I might go for the crease one next. Thanks for the mention x

    1. No need to thank me, Replica :-) It really is-- your RBR face brush reviews really helped me make the choice to get this one (I also bought the blush brush as well). I almost bought the crease brush, and now really wish that I had!! xx


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