
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Philosophical Cats Reign Supreme

Maximus & Jasper take their Chausie pedigree quite seriously (they do not care that they are rescues, and refuse to speak of such things). They suffer from a demented form of feline superiority, and when I challenged their views the other day- while they were seated on this high perch- they quickly retorted by quoting Nietzsche. There really is no point in arguing with cats- let alone cats who quote 19th century philosophers. It is always wise not to engage in an argument that cannot be met with reason, and reasoning with lofty felines is virtually impossible.


  1. Saved as a favorite, I really like your blog!

  2. I love that picture! My last cat Maggie had that sort of personality, but not Troutie. He's short on brains but long on affection. Love your kitties!!

    1. Thanks Carrie!! Aren't kitties just awe inspiring creatures?! The feline variety that is short on brains, but long on affection is often the most satisfying in terms of the unconditional love that they shower on their human housemates. Sadly the same generally cannot be said of humans :)

  3. ahaha, what a lovely couple of philosophical cats! XD
    At home we have realized we are simple humans, our cats are superior!

    1. We made that very same discovery! As they sit and ponder things- I have no doubt that running the world is among their thoughts! xoxo

    2. “Il più piccolo felino è un capolavoro.” (Leonardo da Vinci)

    3. I'm glad you liked it! Grazie!

  4. All I've determined from my questioning feline superiority is how quickly cats run out of patience with inferior beings like me :-)

    1. Precisely the same experience that I have had, Kate! :-)


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