
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

MAC Volcanic Ash Exfoliator- Review

I first have to preface this post by stating that I have never tried any skincare from MAC, nor had I the intention of doing so- it simply has never been on my radar. That said, when my friend- who also happens to be a MAC MUA said that I had to try the Volcanic Ash Exfoliator, I caved. I am a huge fan of exfoliators- so between my love of this type of product my friend saying this product was amazing I decided to give it a try.
I find it rather ridiculous to make a skincare item part of a limited edition collection. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. MAC periodically repromotes the Volcanic Ash Exfoliator with various collections- most recently with the Heavenly Creature Collection, but the demand for this exfoliator is so high that it really should be made part of their permanent range of skincare products. It makes no sense to get attached to a skincare product only to have to wait and wait for it to be repromoted again, or worse yet to feel as though you have to stock-pile it- which can be a very expensive thing to do!
I am not the easiest person to please when it comes to skincare products- I have always been willing to pay for luxury skincare products because I really believe in taking very good care of your skin. I am also particularly picky when it comes to exfoliators because my skin can be a bit sensitive, and anything too rough is a no-go for me. When it came to the Volcanic Ash Exfoliator I was prepared to be disappointed, and I assumed that it wasn't going to live up to all of the hype. Much to my surprise, I find this to be a wonderful exfoliator. It is gentle enough that it doesn't irritate my skin in the least bit. As soon as you apply it the water activates the sucrose which starts to dissolve- so there is no concern that you will scratch your skin with rough particles (I would definitely use water though-- if you just apply it to dry skin it will be way too rough). After the granules dissolve I let it sit on my face as a mask for a few minutes and then rinse it off. What I am left with is exquisitely clean and soft skin. I do not find this product to be in the least bit stripping on my combination skin, and in fact find that my skin remains soft and supple throughout the day. If you have super sensitive skin I would probably avoid this product, and scrubs in general. However, if you are a big fan of scrubs and have normal to oily skin- you might really like this product. I plan on using it once a week.
Overall assessment: I'm a big fan of this, and nobody is more surprised than I am!
$28.00 3.4 oz. where MAC is sold


  1. I completely agree with you on limited-edition skincare. MAC *obviously* knows how much people like this product, otherwise they wouldn't keep bringing it back. But who the heck wants to find their "HG" scrub only to have it discontinued again and again? And buying back-ups is not practical...nor is it particularly desirable when it comes to skincare (expiration dates, product separation, etc.). Ridiculous, if you ask me. I've heard so many good things about this one too, but I have resisted precisely because it is LE. I don't buy back-ups--so there's no way I'm falling in love with this scrub only to be disappointed :/

    1. You summed up my feelings precisely, Becca! It actually bugs me that I like it so much! MAC needs to rethink some of their LE releases in general. It's qa ridiculous marketing ploy when they continually repromote LE products that they already know people love. Just make them part of the permanent range already!! I mean, really. And you are quite right-- anything that is HG skincare item and LE is senseless. That said it really bugs me that I am thinking about buying a backup tube!

    2. LOL, that good huh? Bummer...that makes me want it all the more. Stupid MAC and their stupid LE's :P I do agree--they make SO many of their most popular items LE and milk each "re-release" for all it's worth. Not cool in my opinion. I love a brand that really listens to the consumer and gives them what they want

    3. I actually really like it-- which kind of irritates me because I don't want to stock pile it! Plus you are quite right about expiration dates on skincare. See, this is what they do-- they give us lemmings in a frantic "my life will be over without it" kind of way-- which kind of makes me mad! Sadly, part of me has a sentimental attachment to MAC because I started using the line as a teenager, but this LE stuff bugs! I get it with colors following the runway trends etc, but seriously a face scrub?! I agree with you 1000%!!

  2. Oh, so glad you wrote about this! It satisfies the curiosity and the bit about LE skin care has me pissy enough to AVOID buying such things. Ridonculous! I mean, it sounds good but not SO GOOD that you'd go to the trouble of stocking up or rushing out to get it while it's there - right? Consider me permanently turned off. There are other masks after all.

    1. I really like it, Liz-- but the LE status REALLY REALLY bugs me too! Yesterday I was told by a MAC MUA that she thinks that they are going to be adding it into their permanent range because they are clearly aware of the demand. However, she had no dates or assurances- so we will see! YOuare quite right-- there are other masks after all!

  3. I have worked for MAC for over 7 years. Keep buying the product and they will make it permanent. They re-release products multiple times to see how it sells and if it does well every time then they make it permanent!

    1. I know that MAC does do that, and I certainly hope that they do it with this product-- it's fantastic and really should be a part of the permanent range. I get why seasonal color collections are LE, but it's frustrating to have skincare products LE. It certainly makes sense to have this particular product part of the permanent range given how popular it is-- MAC is no doubt already aware that people will continue buying it because it always sells out whenever it is repromoted.I have a couple of good friends who have worked for MAC for many years, and they always tell me to call the 800 to let corporate know-- and that they really do listen. Maybe it's time to make that call!


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