
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Le Métier de Beauté Haul Teaser!! Heaven, I'm in Heaven...

Le Métier de Beauté+Me=Happy


  1. WOW!! I can't wait to see what's in those boxes.

    1. I definitely lost my hold on reality because of LMdB!! :-)

  2. I've also been feeling the LMdB love lately... I'm curious to read about all that you got, but I have to admit that I'm particularly curious about the lipsticks. One of my very favourite formulas!

    1. There is just so much to love!!! I will start swatching and reviewing soon. The lipstick formulas really are divine-- well, frankly everything is divine that I have tried!! I was really trying to resist the charms of this line because I really needed another luxury brand obsession like a hole in the head, but now that I have allowed my LMdB love to see the light of day-- I can see that I won't be able to shut off my desire to explore, and thus expand my collection!! I'm desperately trying not to buy more eye shadows-- because I would like to shop my stash, but I haven't instituted a buying ban (yet). I can see why you love LMdB-- that is for sure!!

    2. Completely agree. I kick myself for having started with them, but now that I have, I really love their formulas and their exciting range of colours. I'm already planning on what more I want to get... Your swatches are probably going to help with that.

    3. It really is like a disease-- this need to acquire more stuff when my drawers are already brimming with products as it is!!!!! I can't believe that I only just now (last night) discovered your blog!! I feel so stupid for having not known!! It is a FANTASTIC blog!! xx

  3. So many pretties! Cant wait to hear your reviews!

    1. I have really fallen for LMdB!!! Yet another expensive vice!!!:-)

  4. I still love LMDB Peau de Vierge, especially in the summer. I haven't shopped much from their color line, I think I have a limited edition palette and some lipglosses which I love. Can't wait to see everything you got there, you hauled well!

    1. Hi Rola! I have two samples of Peau Vierge, and so far I am really loving it-- I fear that it will be next on my list-- or I might get the Nordstrom Vault special with the .33oz. Peau Vierge and the liquid liner and mascara sample! $125.00 for the full size is a bit of a commitment until I know for sure that I really love it. I am definitely looking for something like this since my Sunday Riley Primer had to be returned because it was pumping out silicone sludge first and then a coagulated hot mess of goo (and it balled up and rolled off of my face)!!

      I resisted LMdB as long as I could, and now I'm among the converted!! Have you reviewed your LMdB yet? I will go and stalk your blog now!! xx

    2. Hi again, Lola, no, I haven't reviewed Peau Vierge or any LMdB items. I was using everything before I started blogging last year and they did not make it into my routine much once I started my blog. You reminded me about the Sunday Riley primer, I should use it since I opened it. I do forget what I have in my stash sometimes, not a good thing.

    3. This is what happens, I suppose-- our makeup collections multiply at night while we are sleeping-- so it makes it hard to remember all of the things that we have!! Let me know if your SR Primer turned on you as well-- I tried so hard to make mine work, but it ended up completely unusable-- what's strange is that it's a sealed airtight container, and I stored it in a cabinet that isn't exposed to light or fluctuations in temperature! I would love to see your LMdB stash and your impressions! :-)

  5. wow! you didn't hold back did you ;) Looking forward to your reviews x

    1. I suffered from a temporary bout of LMdB insanity-- I fear there is no cure!xxoo

  6. Hi Lola,

    I also am obsessed with LMdB, as well as Hakuhodo brushes and Sunday Riley skincare. You and I have very similar vices........LOL!! I am embarrassed to tell you how much LMdB products I have acquired over the past 1 1/2 years but suffice to say Peau Vierge is a staple and I have repllenished this multiple times (lasts about 4 mo of daily use). Can't wait to read your reviews.

    1. Hi Den, Long time no speak!! I hope that you have been doing well! Since our last conversation I amassed quite a number of Hakuhodo brushes-- and you were so very helpful in helping me choose brushes-- so thank you again!! I remember to saying back then that you were madly in love with LMdB, and I had not yet taken the plunge-- and now here I am jumping into the LMdB obsession feet first. I didn't realize that you jumped on the SR bandwagon!! I really wish that they weren't discontinuing some of my favorite products, and reformulating most of the skincare line though. I'm not surprised that Peau Vierge is one of your staples-- it seems to be the card carrying members must-have pick in the LMdB club!! Have you tried any Rouge Bunny Rouge yet? If you love LMdB-- I'm pretty sure that you will love RBR. In fact, I have not found a single bad product yet!! I'm so excited about my recent LMdB purchases, and will start posting my reviews soon!! Great to hear from you-- I hope that all is going well! :-)

    2. Yes, due to your reviews, I jumped on Sunday Riley skincare and haven't looked back!! I love her line-although when it comes to makeup, I still stick with LMdB....LOL!! I'm hoping the reformulated products from SR will be even better. Do you know when the new formulas are coming out and will you be reviewing? In terms of Hakuhodo,I hear the J series (all white goat hair) will be available on-line soon (Aug or Sept), so I am excited to try some of those. Finally, the only things I tried from RBR is the makeup remover and the clear primer-which I don't really prefer. What do you think I should try in the makeup line instead?


    3. Hi Den, I just had to return 4 of the SR makeup items because they changed consistency and became unusable! I know of a bunch of people that did the same thing-- so I'm not really sure what's going on! The reformulated line is said to launch this fall. Several products are being discontinued altogether (Gray Expose Cleanser, Stimulant II & III) and from what I have heard the line will not be the same. Apparently Stimulants II & III are being replaced by less expensive repackaged new formulas that will have different names-- products that are being improved are seldom made a lot less expensive-- so I am suspicious of these changes, and can't help but wonder if this means that they will be using less expensive chemical fillers to make the products less expensive to manufacture. I have been a very loyal customer for over three years, but from what I have been able to piece together the changes do not sound to me as though they represent positive changes in the ingredients and formulas. When I run out of what I have I'm not sure what I will use, but if they are making lesser quality versions of their products then I will most definitely be switching skincare lines. I suspect that I will not be alone either. We can only wait and see, and hope that the high quality of the current offerings is not compromised! I will have to check out the reformulated line and look at the ingredients before I decide whether or not I am willing to try them, and therefore to review them, but the changes are set for the fall. BTW-- I bought a bottle of Sponge Ladi Avokanto Oil that so far I like every bit as much as Juno. I'm scrambling to try and find replacement products- because I don't think that the line should be reformulated- why mess with a good thing.

      On a happier note, LMdB is sooooo fantastic! OMG, are you kidding about the Hakuhodo J Series?! I had no idea that they were going to be making it available in the States now!! I'm doing a HAPPY DANCE AND SQUEALING right now!! I thought that I was going to have to beg my friend who lives in Japan to send me some brushes from the J Series- WOO HOO!!

      I didn't even know that RBR had a makeup remover!! I have not tried their primer either. Their lipsticks (both formulas), their glassy glosses (lip glosses), their lip liners, their powder eye shadows, their liquid highlighters, area few of my favorite products the quality on all of these products is simply extraordinary. All of the eye shadows are silky smooth, their lip products feel divine on the lips- I have yet to try a product from them that disappoints! I have even purchased a few of their brushes that I really really like. Of course at the end of the day my heart belongs to Hakuhodo, but RBR makes lovely products across the board (brushes included). Are there any of their products of theirs that have caught your eye-- if so, let me know and I can tell you what I think-- if I have tried that particular product. I also really like their Tinted Moisturizer-- however since you use Peau Vierge there really is no need to try that!

      Have a great weekend :-)

  7. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. You are such a tease! Holy moly.

    1. Now this was just sheer insanity, and an abuse of my credit card. Plain and simple loss of reason!!

    2. They really shouldn't have given me so many gifts with purchase because I think that I became gleefully unaware of what I was spending!

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