
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Help Me Name This Beautiful and Sweet Puppy!!!

Isn't she darling?! My friend sent me pictures of this 2 month old Chihuahua, Terrier, Poodle mix who needed a good loving home- when I sent my husband a picture of her he nearly lost his mind. My friend adopted her sister and urged me to adopt her. She will grow to be the size of a cat, and is giving Delilah some much needed canine companionship (even though she's the size of a kitten right now). She is very sweet, playful and loving with a wonderful general disposition. She's found a loving home, she has kitties and a young dog in her life, and she will have the benefit of having play dates with two of her siblings. Now all she needs is a name!!!

What should we name her??


  1. snuggles! Something about her is so snuggly and cuddly

    1. That's a super cute name, vijayta! She is definitely snuggly and cuddly! Thanks!! xx

  2. omg! She looks adorable :) Love the name suggested by vijayta!

    1. Hi Miss L! vijayta's name is really cute! Do you have one in mind?

  3. So many nice name are come in my mind. But the best suite for this puppy is SWEETY or CATTY. Both are well suit for this one and also very helpful to easily remember it.

    1. OMG, Marks! i call my cat Troutie "Catty" ALL the time! In fact, he only responds to Catty now.

    2. Thanks for your support to me. I have got these names automatically when I have seen the photo of your cute puppy. That's well for me that you have like the name which I have suggest to you.

  4. She looks like whipped cream :) I'd call her whipped cream ;)

  5. she is darling!<---? or maybe kisses because that's all i want to do to that furry face! lol

  6. She looks like Candy Floss:)
    How about Cleo after the most beautiful Cleopatra.
    Or Miss Daisy ...then you'd have a Daisy & Delilah?

    1. That's cute! I love Cleo, but my sister's cat was named Cleo and I think that she would too sad if she heard the name all of the time :-(

      daisy is super cute. Your last message disappeared, but to answer your question-- No, she's not yet potty trained!! I wish she was!

    2. She's so lucky to have found a good home.
      It makes me sad knowing how many neglected & disgarded pets there are out there.
      Potty training is a REAL test of patience, but they all get the hang of it sooner or later.
      Here's hoping it'll be sooner:))

    3. Thanks, Buggsiebee! I feel the same way-- it breaks my heart to think about all of the animals that are tossed out like garbage. Ah yes, potty training, AGAIN!! It was so recent that we went through that with Delilah-- so here we go again! We had no intention- of getting another puppy, but as soon as my husband saw her picture it was all over! Since we have only known her a day we have to learn how to read her and can't yet tell when she needs to go.

  7. I want a white Persian kitten SO bad, and I've already picked out her name: Earth-Crusher 5000. As for your little gem, I think it should be food-related, like Mashed-Potato Sue or something along those lines. :)

    1. OMG, Carrie!! I'm laughing so hard I can't catch my breath!! Then we could set up a play date for Earth-Crusher 5000 and Mashed-Potato Sue!!!!!!!!!!! You would have to condition her hair WIth Josie Maran's Argan Oil!!!!! xoxo

    2. Seriously, I do use argan oil on my cat's fur. Just a little bit. :)

    3. I was only 1/2 joking-- if I weren't out of Argan Oil- I would too!

  8. Sorry,... back again. I can't stop thinking about your nameless little bundle of cuteness.....with razor sharp teeth??
    With her pretty face & big brown eyes I'm thinking Audrey as in 'Hepburn' - Breakfast at Tiffany's ......
    or Meggie - thinking cute Meg Ryan from 'When Harry met Sally'. Perhaps that was a bit before your time:))

    1. You and me both!! I'm so glad that you came back!! I loved both movies! Cute names!!!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks!! She really is unbelievably sweet and loving! xo

  10. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! Now I want one!

    If she has a sweet, loving disposition I'd go with Missy. If a little more energetic and rambunctious, I like Scout. :)

    1. She's super sweet, but definitely has a rambunctious side-- SCOUT is ridiculously cute, and might just fit her perfectly! Thanks, love!! xoxox

    2. Plus-- I loved To Kill a Mockingbird!!

    3. "Scout" was my codename at camp, so I'm up for this name as well.
      Sophie (as mentioned below) would work for a gentle, more dainty soul.

      (Why am I making everything come back to me? I must be getting a "visitor" soon...)

    4. That's a super cute codename!! :-)

  11. How bleeping adorable!!! Congrats on the new pup :D Reminds me of my Uncle's dog named Champagne, Champy for short ;) Unfortunately after he passed away, my Uncle was so heartbroken he refuses to have another dog :'(
    I think Scout sounds like a great name to me for this little one, Scout & Delilah has a nice ring to it ;D
    x Naomi

    1. Thanks, Naomi!! Your poor uncle- I know how he feels- losing a beloved animal is so heartbreaking. I still deeply grieve the loss of my beloved kitties Sebastian and Luca- who died 2 years ago, but it still feels like yesterday! Champy is a super cute name. Scout is so cute!

  12. I like the name Scout or Rumor.... and I'm not even fans of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore!

    You are so lucky that your DH said yes. I'd never get permission for a little cutie pie like that.

    1. I love Scout and Rumor-- both from their original sources rather than the Willis kids! It was my DH who pushed for her!! She is absolutely delightful!!

  13. Eeeeeeeeee!
    Gimmie Gimmie!
    I want to squish my face in that cuteness!

    I am a fan of big dogs, but that puppy. Eeeeeeeeeeee!
    You should name her Boo-Boo :)
    Heh heh.
    No, I'll come up with something better.
    Me thinks I'll that puppy on my mind long after I close this browser tab!

    1. I've always been more into big dogs as well, but this little girl was too hard to resist!!!

      Boo-Boo is super cute!!!! Me hopes so!!!!!! Hit me with some names!! xoxo

  14. I think Sophie would be a sweet name for her.

    1. I LOVE that name sooo much! It is a good fit, indeed! Thanks!!!!

    2. I like Sophie as well. It's gentle, soft, very feminine...
      and Sophie is the name of the little girl in Roald Dahl's B.F.G.

    3. I scrolled back up to look at the pup.
      She looks like a "Sophie".
      Sophie BooBooNinja Seicento.


    4. OMG-- Sophie BooBooNinja Seicento is freaking AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. I have loved Roald Dahl my whole life-- yet completely forgot about Sophie!!

    6. I like Sophie too :)
      Puschel would also suit. It translates to pom pom in German.
      Is she named yet??

    7. Sophie is definitely a very sweet name! Puschel is super cute-- and she definitely looks like a pom pom!! No, still no name!!

  15. Gosh that puppy is so adorable! I'd have a hard time putting her down if she was around!

    How about Eleonora? Or Elaine? I like mythical & historically significant names. I had a little dog that looked pretty much like this cutie only in grey and her name was Erato(=lovely/lovable), one of the nine muses.

    And I just realized I like names that start with an -e-, too.. Haha! How about Chloe? She looks adorable like a Chloe.

    1. She is adorable, Odyssey. I know-- I have to resist holding her all of the time because we are trying to get her to bond with Delilah. Delilah is an absolute alpha female- so we need to make sure that she loves, rather than rejects, the puppy!

      I love mythical and historical names as well. I often have named my cats after ITalian Renaissance painters (Sebastiano del Piombo and Luca della Robbia)-- so given a name with a rich history is one of my favorite things to do! Those are beautiful names!!

  16. Oh how freaking adorable!!! You could name her Sweetie! :P Sweetie and Delilah...that works!

    1. Kind of ridiculous how cute she is!! Sweetie is super cute!

  17. she looks like my dog's little sister. mine is 1-1/2 year old and named Kaya.

    1. Hi Julie! I love the name Kaya!! We did finally name her Lucy!


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