
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Google Friend (Re)Connect- FINALLY!! Please Join Me in Celebrating this Small Victory!

Sadly this blog was among the blogger blogs that mysteriously lost Google Friend Connect when they disabled the service to non-blogger blogs on March 1, 2012. I was so sad to see your faces go, and despite my efforts to contact tech support nothing ever happened. All I was left with was an empty white box minus your beautiful faces. I finally removed that empty box, but remained sad because I love GFC (and have always used it to follow my favorite blogs). However, I am thrilled to say that I was recently able to reconnect- I therefore encourage you to subscribe or resubscribe through GFC! Some future (hush hush) goings-on will be made much easier if I can easily locate and verify all of you in one place. Subscribe here, or use the sidebar. xoxo, Lola


  1. It had disappeared from my blog for quite a while, too. It's so annoying. Now I am having a different set of problems with blogger as my Greek blog is available to every other country appart from Greece where 99% of my audience is. I have been e-mailing them like crazy for over a week and gotten no replies! I am so fed up!

    1. Oh, how I share your frustration, Odyssey! They never responded to me or my posts on message boards-- it was quite annoying! However, your current situation is even more annoying-- for a Greek blog to be available everywhere BUT Greece is rather ridiculous! I don't understand why nobody responds! If it is because they have a great many people contacting them with the same problem, and therefore haven't the time to respond to individual people, then post a generic response that you are aware of the problem and are working to fix it, or something (anything).

  2. Following even though I don't have a clue how GFC works or how it helps. LOL

    1. Thanks, Marcia! I love following blogs via GFC-- it's easy to use and I love seeing all of the beautiful faces on the blogs that I follow as well as on my own.

  3. How were you able to put the GFC gadget on your site again? I'm going crazy trying to figure it out...

    1. Hi there! I don't recall exactly what I did, but if memory serves I think that I went no my "overview" screen and clicked on "followers"and if I'm not mistaken I believe that there was a prompt to publish on my home page. I hope that helps! :-)


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