
Friday, July 27, 2012

Barneys New York Haul Teaser: Kai, Sponge, Chantecaille, Malin+Goetz, Tatcha, & Rodin! Reviews to Come!!

For me, "The Happiest Place on Earth" isn't Disneyland, but it might just be Barneys!


  1. Wow, you made out like a bandit! Can't wait to see the reviews!

    1. Thankfully I had a gift certificate left over from my birthday, but Barneys is definitely filled with so many dangerous temptations for me!!! Have a great weekend, Connie!

  2. I really like the Sponge products especially Ladi Avokanto, I think you will too! Have a nice weekend:)

    1. Hi Rola- I already LOVE Ladi Avokanto-- I have used it for a few nights now, and am really very pleased with the results! Thanks for letting me know that you like the line-- that gives me more reason to investigate it further! You have a nice weekend too!:)

  3. The first floor of Barneys undeniably is a magical place...congrats on your loot!

    1. No question!! ...And the first floor, likewise, likes to take away a lot of our loot!

  4. love your haul! i want that kai body glow.

    1. Thanks, Jackie!! You NEED the kai body glow-- as you know- my sister has everything that kai makes, and I got tired of have a spritz and slather fest every single time that I went to her house-- so I finally broke down and got the body butter (OMG-- it's insanely good and moisturizing), the perfume oil (eyes rolling back in my head), and the body glow (TO DIE FOR). Like you, I have been LOVING kai since we got our samples of the oil in our GWP bag of goodies at the Barneys Bag Event. I just haven't loved a perfume oil this much, well- EVER! I still haven't checked out the Kiehl's Oils that you told be about a long time ago, and I'm not quite sure why I keep forgetting! I will definitely have to do that next time I am near a counter.

      Have a wonderful weekend!! xx

  5. YAY goodies!!! I have never heard of Sponge before but I just looked it up and now I want that Ladi Avokanto too! And what is that white one--the Jasmine mist or the Illuminator?? (Can't read the label!!!) I'm so intrigued--can't wait for your reviews! :)

    1. This was a super fun haul!! OMG, Becca-- you MUST try the Ladi Avokanto-- it is INSANELY good. In fact, I haven't been this excited about a product in a while! The white bottle is their galaktoma somatos (body milk)- I haven't used it yet though. Their cleanser sample has convinced me to buy it next time-- I have used it in the morning with my Clarisonic for the last two days and am sold! I will get on those reviews after I have used the products a little longer! Have a great weekend! :)

  6. That is one very awesome haul!! Damn I miss USA shopping!

    1. Thanks, Kimmi! I'm pretty excited by it!! It was fun to do, and what made matters even better was the fact the it was all done with a gift card from left over from my birthday-- so it was guilt free! Maybe your next vacation post can be here while you haul at Barneys!! Have a lovely weekend! xx

  7. That's a whole lot of goodies there, lady. I'm feeling a lot of second-hand excitement right now. :D

    1. Sorry for your much hated word "haul"- truth be told I'm not all that fond of the word either. I like your term Pickups much better. Yes, this was a big Pickup!! Thankfully the entire thing was basically free since I had a birthday gift certificate, and I had to return a pile of Sunday Riley products that went bad in a very short period of time. So I felt okay indulging since it was either paid for or free! The kai products have me so happy, and the same goes for the Sponge Ladi Avokanto oil! Wouldn't it be nice to always be able to pick up the things you love on a gift certificate?! You are so very lucky to have a MAC fairy-- that selection that you received was breathtaking! I would love to have a Barneys fairy!! LOL :-)

  8. You need to add scratch n' sniff to your blog so I can smell Kai!! Ha ha! I looked up Sponge after seeing this post...yikes...yet something else to add to the never-ending list of products to try. I've also been interested in Tatcha after seeing a few reviews - think I'm going to order the sampler set, but I'm most interested in the cleansing oil and the enzyme powder :-)

    Now that's what I call a lovely birthday gift!!

    1. Wouldn't it be amazing if I could?! OMG- Kai is DIVINE!!! I'm actually nothing short of obsessed with the scent! I'm completely obsessed with the Sponge oil and cleanser as well. I might actually have to buy the cleanser now-- it's so fantastic-- especially with my Clarisonic. I'm pretty interested in Tatcha too-- I haven't tried any of my samples yet, but am super excited to. Sponge is definitely getting added into my rotation. I would definitely recommend trying to get your hands on some samples! I think that I have samples of the enzyme powder, but I'll have to check if they included any of the cleansing oil.

      It is a lovely birthday gift-- my birthday was back in February, but I have been sitting on my gift certificate until I knew exactly what I wanted! I'm super happy with my choices! :-)


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