
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

And While the Saga Continues...the Puppy Remains Nameless, but Her Character Continues to Unfold!

 "How cute am I? Now give me a name already!"
Now before you feel badly for Zeus, be aware that he had her in this position moments before, and again a few moments later. We have a really long central hallway that she runs down full speed with Oliver, Jasper, Zeus and Delilah- it is so amusing and funny to watch them play together so happily. I think that she landed in the right house with the right critters.


  1. Aww! It's so great! She's officialy part of the family!

    1. I know- isn't it so sweet?! It makes me really happy that they are forging a bond!! Definitely part of the family, and so much fun too!

  2. Nameless is just about the cutest ball of white fluff ever!!! Love the pics :-) Looks like she's settling right in!

    G. McG

    1. Isn't she just adorable!! Just looking at her makes me smile ear to ear. She is such a sweet little soul too- so it was a really good choice adding her to the family! She definitely has settled right in! xx

  3. Rock 'n Roll!! Party time!
    I can just imagine the action:)
    Perhaps you should name her Jagger?
    And a .....nick nack paddy wack give the dog a NAME!!

    1. LOL!! I know- we are really dragging our feet in naming this poor little puppy!! Jagger is really cute!!

  4. She is SO. CUTE. In terms of names, how about Blanche (in light of her coat) or Ambrosia (because she really does make me think of the fluffy marshmallow "salad" and it fits with your ancient name theme?! I haven't had a chance to read of over your other name suggestions (in the previous post) so please forgive any redundancy ; )

    1. Kind of crazy how cute she is, right?! Blanche and Ambrosia are super cute! She does look a bit like an Ambrosia salad too! What is even more sweet is just how much she loves to have her little belly rubbed. She rolls on her back and stares squarely into your eyes and then lets out a deep sigh and closes her little eyes. OMG!! Jethro might have a new girlfriend!!

  5. She is so precious. She's cute enough for me to forget those accidents in the house! It's love at first site with her.

    1. She really is, Marcia-- plus she's just the most sweet and affectionate little creature. I actually don't mind cleaning up her accidents-- she's so small- so they are too! She's just a super sweet baby! Now if only we could settle on a name!

  6. When I saw the adorable side-eye in the first photo, I can't help but feel "Scout" is the perfect fit for this sweetie. I think that's why I haven't been able to come up with anything more fitting.

    1. The vet put Scout on her medical records- even though we haven't committed to it. I do think that it would definitely work. I'm not even entirely sure why we are equivocating so much- I guess we are waiting to get to know her a little better before tethering her to a name. I do love the name Scout though!

    2. How about Lil' Ninja?
      Or just Ninja?
      Or Scout Lil' Ninja Seicento?

      Darn it. "Scout Seicento" takes the cake!

    3. That's actually a adorable name!!!!!! Scout Seicento is hilarious. I have just been calling her Little Monkey in lieu of a real name! :)

  7. Yipp she's got that that look perfected alright.
    Gets our hearts all melty:)
    How about Trojan? Sneaking in there & capturing everyone's hearts?
    Or Annie - from orphan Annie fame?
    Our crazy Jackie-mix is also an Oliver. He answers to Twister, Olly Wolly & Dodger too if he thinks there's a goodie/ outing involved:)

    1. She really does!! And we certainly do get all melty!Trojan is clever! She definitely looks like she could be an Annie! I love that you have an Oliver too! Ours also answers to Olly and Ol, sometimes I Olivier-- and then anything that flips out of my mouth when looking at him!

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    1. Thank yo for stopping by. I'm glad that you are enjoying my blog! Have a lovely day.

  9. I keep looking at that gorgeous little pup and I keep thinking of a cute little puppy name like Winkie! xo

    1. That's super cute, Vita!! I just keep calling her little monkey-- but I need to give her a proper name before she thinks that's it!!


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