
Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Harmonic Convergence Has Occurred...

Delilah has decided that the thus far "no-name" puppy girl is okay. Given that Delilah is a card carrying alpha female there was some concern that she might reject another female dog, however the sweet nameless one is so itsy-bitsy (though spunky) that she does not seem to pose any threat to Delilah's reign.


  1. AWW!! That is excellent!! She looks like she's so protective of the baby!

    1. So far, so good! Delilah seems to spend a good deal of time putting the baby in her place, but she does play with her. This was definitely a rare and quiet moment! xx

  2. I didn't realize you had a Delilah! Might I suggest sticking with the biblical theme and name the new sweetie Rachel? =)

    1. Wow what an Old Testament knock out team that would make!! Or Judith and I could give her a doll's head to carry around-- or better yet to wear around her neck! ;) All kidding aside-- Rachel is a great name!

      I hope that you are having a lovely weekend! xx

  3. YAY Delilah! She appears to have a good nature so they will work things out in their doggy fashion:)
    Puppy NEEDS a name now!Something that goes with Delilah?
    Why don't you just give her a sex change and call him Samson?
    Daisy goes with Delilah & she looks like a Daisy:)

    1. I know-- I'm so happy that Delilah is being such a good girl about the "intruder!" I know-- we are just having such a tough time finding a name that suits her character!! Daisy is such a very sweet name!! LOL-- maybe when the vet spays her we can have a sex change done so that the name fits! Plus she has hair- not fur-- so it would be pretty cheeky each time she got a hair cut! xx

    2. Not to mention that calling a tiny cute thing like that 'Samson' is very amusing!

  4. Oh, that is so sweet! I quite like Samson too. Our girl yorkie/poodle mix ended up answering to Rambo instead of her real name (Anva) as my brother thought it would be funny.

    1. Thanks, Grace! Samson would be hilarious for a little female dog!! I love that you call Anva (a lovely name) Rambo-- especially since she's a yorkie/poodle mix! :)

    2. She was a gorgeous dog (she was a childhood pet) and looked very much like little Miss No Name Yet, except she was black. It was very funny when my Dad called her name out in the park :)

    3. It sounds as though she was delightful!! I can only imagine how incredibly funny it was when your dad called her name out at the park-- people must have always grinned ear to ear when they witnessed her coming to that name! :)

  5. That's great news! The puppy will learn her place early and it will make for a harmonious household. That's the beauty of bringing baby pets into your life. :)

    1. And nothing short of a tremendous relief!! There were a few minutes of concern when Delilah snapped at her in a way that was just starting to cross the line into aggression and contempt! You are right-- that is the beauty of bringing a baby into the mix of animals. When the cats and Delilah feel the need to put her in her place I have to take a step back and try not to interfere. I have interceded before with catastrophic results that ended up making one of my beloved cats odd man out permanently :(

  6. Fortuntely the fluffy little nameless one isn't aware of this sinister plot or she'd be heading out the back door by now:))
    More names:-
    Abigail - Hebrew -Source of Joy
    Guinevere - Celtic - White or Fair
    Grace - Latin - Blessing from God
    Shino - see the beauiful Shino Mori
    - the name means 'of faith'

    1. What a gorgeous assortment of names, Buggsiebee! Much more food for thought!! xx

  7. Replies
    1. We had a real character of a pet duck called Sam.
      Officially Samantha Cuddle Duck.
      When she arrived she was just a fluffy yellow ball and we settled on the name Sebastian but at some stage much later she laid a HUGE egg so we had to give the name a re-think:)

    2. OMG Samantha Cuddle Duck is one of the cutest names that I have EVER heard!! That is such a sweet story. Sebastian was the name of my kitty who died 2 years ago-- he was 15 and one of the great loves of my life!!

    3. I'm sorry:( I could not think of a life without pets but it hurts sooooooooo bad when they die. The absolute worst feeling is having to have them put down. It doesn't matter how much I know it puts them out of their misery, I feel like a traitor.

    4. I know, it's the worst feeling ever!!

  8. Josephine - Josie?
    Bonnie, Cupid .....Hercules???
    Not giving up yet:)

    1. All supper cute names!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how difficult it is to name one 3 1/2 lb. fluff ball!

  9. Delilah looks so much like my dog Millie it's scarey!

    1. REALLY???! Is Millie also a lab/pit bull mix?

    2. No, she's suppose to be a collie mix but they look like they could be twins!

    3. It's probably something in "the mix" that makes them doppelgängers!

  10. OMG, friggin adorable! This made my day. I so wish my Lady could have a friend, but her distant niece came to live here for a few months a while back and she did NOT react well :/

    1. I'm just so relieved that Delilah has allowed her to live with us!!! Maybe Lady just doesn't care for her niece-- not another furry family member per se!

    2. Yeah maybe...I just think she's a spoiled brat :P She's never taken kindly to other dogs, least of all not in HER house! It's my fault though, I didn't start having her play with other dogs until she was well into 5 or so years old :/

    3. Lady might just need to be an only dog-- or she hasn't yet met a dog that she really loves to be with!! xx

  11. Your dogs are so adorable together, looks like Delilah's nurturing side came out for the pup. We want to get another dog, but our old dog is a handful for us already:) You are doing such a good deed:)

    1. Thanks, Rola!! I think that the timing was right-- Delilah turns a year old next month- so she is still basically a puppy herself. The new baby is only a little over 2 months old and weighs a mere 3 1/2 lbs. so she poses no threat to the cats, and isn't trying to challenge Delilah's status as a full-fledged alpha female. We always feel so good about rescuing animals. Though truth be told this little baby wasn't going to be headed for the shelter, but she did need a good home- which thankfully we were able to provide. It's also nice to know that my friend adopted her sister-- so they can have play-dates with each other. Your dog may surprise you, if you brought home someone with a good disposition who wouldn't threaten her. Half of the reason that we got this one was because Delilah is a bit of a handful and she needed a playmate. :)

  12. OMG! This is such an adorable pic. So happy to hear that Delilah is adjusting to her new little sister. She reminds me of my baby boy King Solomon. He's a 4 y/o American Pit Bull Terrier. I had a sweet baby girl Queen Makeda, she was also an American Pit Bull Terrier but she passed away in May. I miss her every single day. I've been thinking about getting another girl. It's not the same just having one dog. I feel like my balance is off when we go to the park because I always had one on each side. I'd love to hear how everything turns out with your new furry baby. Good luck with the names. :-)

    1. Hi LeRenda!! Thank you-- I'm so relieved that Delilah has taken to her new baby girl. Delilah is an alpha pit (mix we think- though she acts more like a pit than anything else) and it could have gone either way with her. She's turning a year old next month-- so is basically still puppy-like in many ways, but she's also a pretty territorial pitty, too! I'm so sorry for your loss-- do I ever know how badly that hurts!! Queen Makeda was lucky to have had you as her human mom, and King Solomon as her brother/playmate. I lost two kitties to cancer two years ago (Sebastian and Luca) and I still cry about the depth of my loss regularly. The cruel and sad part about loving animals is that our lifespans and theirs are so different-- making their losses even more significant because we don't get to enjoy them nearly long enough. :( I will keep you posted on Delilah and the unnamed ones progress!! Again, I am just so sorry for your recent loss! xx

  13. Double handle handbagsJuly 30, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    The eyesight of this dog, so strange, so it just look at you take photos?

    1. She was sitting and watching me work- so I decided to capture pictures of the momentous event of her tolerantly snuggling with the new puppy who had only just arrived in our household!

  14. Saved as a favorite, I love your web site!


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