
Friday, June 1, 2012

Rouge Bunny Rouge Launches 5 New Colors of Glassy Glosses Sweet Excesses

Rouge Bunny Rouge's Sweet Excesses Glassy Gloss Collection has been relaunched with five new gorgeous shades with a "more advanced texture." They suggest that the non-sticky formula "hydrates and smoothes away fine lines" and rejuvenates and enhances the natural color of your lips so that they appear "luscious with an irresistible shine." I am thrilled with Fleur Parfait (reviewed here), and had planned on trying out more shades, therefore these 5 new colors are my newest temptations!
Cherry Clafoutis: is a gloss version of Scrumptiously Devious Lipstick. It is a sheer blue-based cool pink with warm golden opalescence.
Mousse Fandango: is a dark toned milky pink with the barest whispers of grayish mauve and touch of silver micro pearls.

Rahat Lokum: is a pale milky pink with medium-heavy mother of pearl effect micro-shimmer.

Raspberry Meringue: is a pale pink with very soft mother of pearl micro-shimmer - this shade doesn’t yield a strong colour, but it makes lips naturally pretty.

Rhubarb Custard: is a semi sheer coverage milky nude rosewood, an irreplaceable my-lips-but-better color.

They are already available at Zuneta! Zuneta is offering free shipping all weekend with the code: FREESHIP,  and free shipping for international customers on orders over £30 code: FREESHIP30. They are not yet in stock at Beautyhabit, but are available for PREORDER ONLY.

Are you as tempted as I am?


  1. Oh no... I want. I promised myself no more glosses. How dare they do this to me! If the swatches are correct than I "need" at least 2!

    1. I know, I actually thought of our conversation about having too many lip glosses already when I saw these beauties. Don't you have Scrumptiously Devious Lipstick in you stash? Cherry Clafoutis would be lovely with it! Mousse Fandango is also calling my name! I really love the formula for Fleur Parfait-- so I'm sure these are sensational. It's nearly criminal how many lip glosses that I have, and yet I still want these!! We need help!

  2. Nooo! I do not need another lip gloss! Grrr, I have a ridiculous amount of lip gloss! First Sunday Riley & now you tempt me with this!? Lol...I was just gonna order fleur parfait along with the Vasco lip liner! Now I see 2 more additional shades calling my name!
    xo Naomi
    PS Love the recent pics of your adorable Zoe!

    1. Me too, Naomi!! I actually want a couple of these as well, but I have more lip glosses than is probably legal! Sadly we both have a penchant for brands like SR & RBR-- which keeps us wanting more, spending more, and accumulating more than we could possibly ever need! You will LOVE LOVE LOVE Fleur Parfait! Which one's are you thinking about from these? I'm thinking about Mousse Fandango and Cherry Clafoutis. BTW- I have been meaning to tell you that I got another Sunday Riley lip gloss- in Vacay- it is lovely pink in the tube, but it is super duper sheer on. Of course I love it because of the formula, but I thought that you should know that it basically imparts no color at all on my lips. I will post a review and a swatch- plus will post the swatch in the Sunday Riley lip gloss overview that I put together at your request about 6 weeks ago.

    2. Oops- I hit print before I finished writing to you, Naomi! I also think that you will love Vasco lip liner-- it is such a lovely color!! I still have to do a post on a couple more RBR lipsticks that I got recently. We have such similar taste that I fear that you will want them as well! :-)

      I'm glad that you liked the pictures of Zoe-- she is a very very sweet kitty!

      xo, L

    3. Yes, sadly I also have a penchant for Burberry cosmetics too! LOVE their eyeshadows! I see on some blogs they equate the quality of them with RBR eyeshadow which I have yet to try. Have you tried any Burberry beauty so far? If not, I highly recommend. I already hit the pan on the few that I have.
      I was thinking of getting Rhubarb Custard & Rahat Lokum. Really wanted to wait until someone put up some swatches instead of relying on stock photos, but now that you posted that 20% off code for Beautyhabit how can I resist temptation! lol...Wished in the video that they would swatch the colors on the back of the hand as opposed to just showing the wands :/
      Ooo, I will definitely look forward to your review on SR Vacay & RBR lipsticks too! Today I finally used the Sunday Riley mascara this morning. So far I have no complaints :D
      xo Naomi

    4. Very funny that you should mention Burberry eyeshadows-- I haven't yet bought any, but Midnight Brown and Pale Barley have been on my list of must-haves for quite a while now! Which colors do you recommend? If they are anything like the buttery exquisite texture of RBR- then we are both in serious trouble if we collect both!

      Rhubarb Custard and Rahat Lokum both look gorgeous. I actually called beauty habit today to ask if they thought that they were true to the swatches and they told me that they won't be in for a couple more days (they are stuck at Customs), but that they are always very close to their stock swatches. Right now my basket is filled because of the sale-- I am just weeding through it trying to eliminate a few things!! I totally agree-- the video really should have swatched- totally frustrating!!!!!! I know showing the wands alone is fairly useless. Zuneta already has everything in stock- I was hoping some of the British beauty bloggers would have had them already, but so far no such luck!!!!!!

      I'm so glad that you have no complaints about the SR mascara-- let me know if you continue to feel that way, or if it becomes sort of "meh" for you. The SR lipsticks are gorgeous- I have American Rose, Duchess and Shakespeare and should really get it together and review them. I suspect that Shakespeare may be among your favorites-- it is mine- it's a gorgeous pink! Vacay is nice, but I would definitely suggests others unless what you really want is truly clear once applied.

      More soon. xo L

  3. I definitely recommend Pale Barley, been using it everyday since I purchased it! Midnight Brown as well is gorgeous & another one of my favorites is Rosewood. Besides those three, I also have Trench- nothing fancy about that one, but great for a base eyeshadow to even out the eyelids & Pearl White which is nice for a under brow highlighter or for the inner corner of your eyes. Of course these two shades are not really necessary since you can easily find dupes for them or may already have such shades in your stash. I just purchased them because I love the quality so much that I donated & gave away whatever other eyeshadows I had before! I was so happy to reduce the amount of eyeshadows that I had to only these 5, but I know that number will creep right back up when their Fall 2012 collection comes out as they will be releasing a few more single eyeshadows plus eyeshadow QUADS!!! Sorry, I can't believe how excited I got when the SA told me that, lol. I think she said there will be a total of 8, but they will not be released all at the same time. Phew! Good news for my wallet! This is why I'm trying so hard not to purchase any of the RBR eyeshadows, but when it comes to your lovely reviews on RBR (or SR, for that matter) lip gloss, lipstick & liner?! I can't seem to contain myself! lol
    Thanks for all the temptations ;)
    xo Naomi

    1. Ohh, I forgot about Rosewood-- I remember lusting after that one as well-- it's such a gorgeous taupe (and I have a weakness for gorgeous taupe eye shadows!!Trench is beautiful, but I have a few things similar- though I suspect that it is far nicer. I think Pearl white is lovely as well! However, I think that you are right that those two are more easily dupable.

      How nice that you purged everything but what you really love-- that's such a sensible approach. OMG- they are going to come out with quads in the fall??!! It's a good thing that they aren't all coming out at the same time!! Are these all going to be LE? I have been stalking Chantecaille shadows as well, but I have prevented myself from buying either of these lines online without having at the very least swatched them in person!

      I COMPLETELY understand why you haven't jumped into another luxury brand of eye shadows-- once you start adding more and more of these high end brands into your stash the more expensive the whole makeup venture becomes- not to mention the fact that you end up with far more than you could ever possible use. That is why I have a self-imposed "cooling off period" to force me to think before whipping out my credit card-- which is precisely what i am going through right now with the Beautyhabit 20% off sale!!

      You are welcome for all of the temptations! Thank you for giving some temptations to obsess about! :-) Keep me posted! xo, Lola

  4. Hi Lola ;)
    Just thought you would like to know in case you haven't seen it yet, somebody posted swatches of all 5 of the new shades of the RBR glosses. Check out, in case you are still debating on making a purchase in time for the 20% off deal on Beautyhabit.
    PS I'm not sure if the Burberry quads will be limited edition, but if I find out any further news I'll let you know asap :)
    xo Naomi

    1. You are sooooo awesome, Naomi!!! Thank you-- I have seen her blog before, but haven't visited since this posting!! I ended up ordering Mousse Fandango and Cherry Clafoutis a couple of days ago. I'm now a touch worried that Mousse Fandango is a bit darker than I had hoped for, but that's easy enough to fix!! I'm really liking Raspberry Meringue though! Have you caved and placed an order?

      Hopefully the Burberry quads will not be limited edition-- I do get so sick of LE releases-- they really create such a frenzy (which makes it a very effective approach since it often tends to make us buy more!)

      Have a fabulous weekend! xo Lola

    2. I meant to say that I hadn't visited her blog since before she posted these swatches!! Thanks again for telling me!!

  5. Your welcome! I was just debating whether to place an order or not, but thankfully those swatches came up on google images just in time. I definitely caved after seeing those swatches & placed an order. lol
    I think Mousse Fandango will look awesome on you with your complexion considering you have olive tones :)
    Look forward to your reviews & congrats on your Liebster award nomination! You totally deserve it & I'm glad you nominated Everyday Beauty as it is also one of my top favorite beauty blogs. Plus, thanks to her I found my way to your blog! Just disappointed I can't comment on her blog anymore since she had that disturb anonymous commenter on her Hilary post :(
    Have a fabulous weekend as well! xo Naomi

    1. Which colors did you get, what else did you order?? I'm dying to hear what you think of the formula!! There's something too irresistible about 20% off!!

      I hope that you are right and Mousse Fandango looks good with my skin tone!

      Thank you so much about the Liebster Award-- that is so nice of you to say!! There was no way that I wasn't going to nominate Everyday Beauty- it's definitely one of my VERY favorite blogs of all time! Not to mention that we found each other as a result-- and for that alone I am eternally grateful since I love our conversations!

      Wait, why can't you still comment on Everyday Beauty-- didn't Zuzu only disable anonymous comments? You aren't anonymous-- your name comes up-- it just doesn't hyperlink back to a profile page or a blog. I'm sure she would be so saddened to think that your voice can no longer be heard on her blog! Seriously- interacting with you is so fun, and you add so much to this blog, as you did to hers!

      BTW-- I just got an email saying one of my parcels just shipped from Beautyhabit (yup, that's right I said one of my parcels- I placed second order) :D I suspect that you will have a package coming soon. Though they did tell me that they had an overwhelming response to the sale and that one of my items was back ordered again! I placed the second order a day later and have not heard about it-- I suspect that one won't ship until next week since they must have received tons of orders between my first and second orders!! xo, Lola

    2. Naomi, thanks for the kind comments about my blog. I just restored anonymous commenting (though I won't announce it in a post!) and we'll see how it goes. I assume my cyberstalker has moved on. :)

  6. Hi Lola & Zuzu too ;)
    I was bad! I ordered RBR Rhubarb Custard & Rahat Lokum, & ANOTHER lip gloss in Inflammable- for some reason the description was screaming my name! lol...oh & also Sip of Pink lipbalm & Vasco lipliner. I almost crumbled, but thankfully I talked myself out of ordering Sweet Dust Seriema & Bashful Flamingo eyeshadows. Told myself to wait till they are available as a refill so I can burn some more money & buy me one of them fancy refill palettes of theirs! lol
    Unfortunately my order won't ship out soon enough since I opted to wait till they have Rhubarb Custard back in stock to save on shipping cost :'(
    Thank you Zuzu for giving me that piece of info. Perfectly understandable for not wanting to announce it in a post :)
    xo Naomi

    1. So you caved too, Naomi!!! Really nice selections!! I just looked at Inflammable to see what you were talking about-- how that's gorgeous! I also ordered Sip of Pink Lipbalm-- I just couldn't help myself. I am so happy with Vasco that I ordered Roald-- which is really lovely as well!! They are so creamy and lovely-- I'm betting you will go nuts over Vasco!! I'm betting that SDS and BF end up being in the refills before too long-- especially because of their popularity. The refills are the same size as MAC eye shadows, and so they fit PERFECTLY into the MAC 15 pan palette-- so you can save a pile of money by using one of those instead!! Of course it won't cute like the RBR palette, or you could do what Zuzu does and get one of those darling UNII palettes!

      You never know-- Beautyhabit often seems to send out orders if there is just one thing backordered. They sent me my order yesterday and said that one of my items was backordered and would ship when it was back in. I made a note to wait to ship because I didn't want to pay for the shipping on anything backordered. I don't know if they did that because my order was big, or if that is just what they do generally. I sure hope that you get your goodies soon!!


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