
Sunday, June 10, 2012

COVERGIRL Lipslicks Lipgloss in Daring (130)- a Drugstore Alternative to Chanel Rouge Coco Shines? Review & Swatches

Give your lips sheer color and a shot of shine – or pump up the shine of your favorite lip color! This emollient-rich formula helps keep lips soft, moist, and feeling their best as it helps to protect. So say goodbye to dull lips, and hello to beautiful shine. 
  • Sheer color
  • Lots of shine
  • Helps keep lips soft and moist
To be truthful, I don't think that I have ever tried anything from Covergirl in my entire life. Until Revlon's rebirth via the Colorburst Lip Butters drugstore brands hadn't really been on my radar since I was a teenager. That said, one day as I was foraging through my lovely sister's stash I found this Covergirl Lipslicks Lipgloss in Daring. I was immediately smitten and promptly ran to Rite Aid to buy it ($5.99).
As Covergirl suggests, this is a very sheer formula with lots of shine, and it does, indeed, keep lips soft and moist. I like the way that it feels- there is enough cushion to feel super comfortable. It feels a bit like a cross between a lip balm and lipstick with a lovely dewy shine. While it is categorized as a lipgloss, I would say it's more of a lipstick/lip balm hybrid. It functions in the realm of the Chanel Rouge Coco Shine, but make no mistake- Chanel's permutation is of superior quality in every way. That said, this is a lovely drugstore version of this über popular type of lip product. I get about 2-3 hours of wear time out of it, but sometimes less because it feels so good that I tend to rub my lips together to feel it. 
While the coverage is on the sheer side a few extra passes will build the coverage a bit. The color that I chose, Daring (130) is a sheer deepened cool-toned raspberry shade, and not nearly as vampy as one might assume judging by how dark it appears in the tube. As for the name, it really isn't such a "Daring" color to wear- frankly it's sheer enough that they should have called it "Looks Daring, but it's Demure!" However, it is a really lovely color that is very easy to wear. There is a slightly perfumed taste to it upon application, but that quickly fades away.
Overall assessment: I actually like this formula a lot more than I thought I would! While it's not a Chanel Rouge Coco Shine- it is quite nice.

Have you tried any of the CG Lipslicks Lipglosses? Do you like them?


  1. If I was your sister, I would FREAKING LOVE going through your stash :D My sister used to go through mine and ask " Is this good ? Do you still like it ? Are you still using it ? No ? Give it to me :) " Haha, she was so cute.

    I haven't tried CG ( and like you I don't think I have ever purchased anything from them). I do love stuff from L'Oreal and Bourjois.

    Oh, by the way - are you going to IMATS ? I hear Hakuhodo is always there.

    1. That's so funny how your sister used to go through your stash!!! You would think that my sister would do the same, but it's sort of the other way around. I go through her stash and always take her cast-offs (and we both do the same with my mom). My sister doesn't have the same makeup "affliction" that I have. She is much more sensible in her approach. She has a small edited stash and tends to really use what she has. When she is looking for something in particular like the perfect shade of lipstick she tells me to go find it for her!! My stash doesn't really interest her too much, but she is looking for something specific I bust out a pile of things for her to try. What is really funny is that my niece (who is turning 6 in a few months) is RIDICULOUSLY obsessed with my makeup and brushes. She spent the night with us the night before last and all she wanted to do (other than go see Madagascar III) was check out all of my lip glosses- LOL!

      I haven't tried anything from L'Oreal in years, and believe it or not I have yet to get my hands on anything from Bourjois-- that it is Chanel's baby makes me really want to get my hands on some of their blushes!

      I had been thinking about IMATS-- especially since I live in LA and it's going to be a few miles away in Pasadena-- but I think I'm going to put it off until I have a little more disposable $$ because I don't have the budget for a big Hakuhodo haul right now, and I'm not sure that I would be able to leave that booth without a pile of brushes!! Are you going??

    2. BTW, if you were my sister- I would TOTALLY let you raid my stash!!!!!!!

    3. I really wanted to go this year and since I live in SF - it wouldn't be too expensive. I can get one of those cheap flights to LA and then just call it a day trip. The only problem is I don't know how to drive so I couldn't even rent a car to get myself to IMATS. Hahaha. I just want to go and look at brushes !! I need to touch and feel stuff like that before I buy. I also just want to go for the atmosphere and be surrounded by other crazy makeup entusiasts in a buying frenzy.

      I didn't realize Bourjois was part of Chanel. I just bought a bunch of stuff when I was in the UK and Paris. I actually LOVE their healthy mix foundation. I think I even like it better than my Chanel Vitalumiere and Aqualumiere. Now that I think of it, I do find their blushes similar.

      I would be in skincare heaven if I could raid your stash.

    4. I'm from the Bay Area!!!!! I miss The City-- to get me irritated my husband periodically says Frisco. I often punch him in the arm when he does!!

      If I were going to IMATS we could have gone together-- then you wouldn't have had to worry about the drive! I know what you mean about wanting to touch and feel stuff before you buy. That is the only frustration I have with Hakuhodo, but truthfully if I were able to touch them I would probably have even more of their brushes. As I understand it they don't offer discounting at IMATS like so many of the vendors do, but you do save on shipping. I hear that there is always quite a frenzy at that booth!

      Their blushes look like mini Joues Contraste blushes. I have read that they to tend to become hard over time-- have you found that to be the case?? You should do a post on your stash of their products!!!

      You might go nuts in my skincare stash-- there is so much of it! :D

    5. So cool that you are from "Frisco" :) haha. Do you still come back to visit ?

      We should go to IMATS next year together. That would be really fun.

      Okay, so this morning I started taking photos of my mini haul from Europe, and I never realized how hard it was to take pictures of makeup. And - it makes me feel bad taking pictures of my makeup because I never realized how many of the same color blushes I have - haha. I keep buying the same stuff over and over.

    6. Berkeley actually-- born and raised! I don't go home to visit nearly as often as my mom would like :-(

      IMATS together sounds fun, and potentially super expensive. I can just see the mutual facilitating now!!!!! Flash forward, and we have to make a house out of Hakuhodo brushes and hope that our husbands don't have a problem living is a brush house!!

      I briefly looked through your Paris & London pictures, but didn't have the time that I needed to REALLY go through them-- when I take a break from work this evening I will have a "real" look. Those are my two favorite cities, and your pictures are insanely beautiful!!!!!!

      Yes, I know what you mean-- shooting pictures of makeup isn't the easiest task!! You are quite right-- there is a certain element of shame or feeling bad when one realizes how many of the same colored blushes, eye shadows, and lip products one has accumulated. I buy variations on the same colors all of the time-- which really is a bit (understatement) wasteful. That's when you can allay your guilt by justifying that it's for the blog-- wink wink nudge nudge!! I have SOOO many pink blushes, lipsticks and lip glosses that I should probably be cited for it! LOL

  2. I have never used any CG products, because they are not available here where I live. The shade of this tinted lip balm looks pretty!

    1. Hi Miss L,

      They are good, but certainly not great. I think that the Revlon Colorburst Lip Butters offer a much better formula and selection. I certainly would not go to great lengths to try to track these down-- nor would I pay above drugstore retail prices for them. So while I like this (and actually picked up two more) it is not a Holy Grail lip product that you simply can't live without!! :-)

  3. I was just looking at CG lip products yesterday, great minds think alike. Like you, I haven't really tried too many CG products, maybe some e/s and blushes. I did not see this at Walgreens yesterday though. I am more a Revlon fan when it comes to drugstore, but I was feeling adventurous...By the way, I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award, come check it out:)

    1. I like it, but like you when it comes to drugstore brands I'm a Revlon girl all the way!! I think that these have been out for a while-- everywhere I went they were at the bottom of the display so I had to crouch down to even look at them-- one place had me sitting on the floor looking-- now that's super dignified!!!

      OMG!!! I'm so flattered and immensely touched-- Thank you thank you thank you! xoxo

  4. Woo hoo, another award. Congratulations! Totally deserved and then some.

    As for CoverGirl, I don't believe I have ever tried a product in that line, and if I have, I have forgotten. Maybe I did in the 70s when I started experimenting with foundation. I do remember some horrid affair that smelled like Noxzema and looked like Pepto Bismal.

    Now, as snobby and shallow as I can be about makeup, I certainly have better things to spend $32.50 on than yet another RCS, so I am definitely going to check these out. Of course the first color I'll go for is Daring. I mean Demure. :D

    Thank you for the excellent review. It's always great to have cheaper alternatives.

    1. Thank you, Zu!!

      A Noxzema/Pepto foundation does sound like a 70s drugstore makeup fiasco!!

      I couldn't agree more-- our wallets to need a reprieve from the sticker shock of so many RCS and the like!! Speaking of which, I just got an email confirmation from Saks stating that Antigone has been shipped-- woo-hoo. Of course I now also really want Bonheur and Fétiche as well!

      While this CG lipslicks lipgloss is no RCS-- it is really nice- I have since picked up two more. It feels really nice on the lips too! It's definitely nice to have some cheaper alternatives in our stashes!!

    2. What other colors did you get? I have to pick up some stuff at, and these lip glosses are at $3.99 right now, so I think I will try a few.

      Interestingly, on the CoverGirl web site, where I was matched to the pink (cool) dot, Daring was not one of the pink-dotted suggestions for me. There were plenty of others, though: Demure, Cutie, Princess, Hipster, Flirtatious, Precious and Starlet. And yet your swatches look decidedly cool berry, AND the most pigmented of the options. Except for maybe Hipster.

    3. Not a bad price!!! The online swatches on are very strange and don't make much sense to me. I also got Demure (very pretty sheer dusty rose, but not too pigmented so that it's muted is really rather inconsequential) and Princess (clear paler pink with some pearl- very pretty). When I went to the bank today I looked to see if they had Edgy- which looks a touch darker than Daring-- but since Daring isn't so daring-- my guess is that Edgy isn't so edgy-- and it's probably a very wearable shade.I was also looking for Precious, but they were sold out of both. Let me know which ones you get. BTW how are your new Suqqu & Hakuhodo brushes? Have you shot them yet so that you are now able to use them?

    4. Wow on Edgy looks like it might be purple! I guess I would have to see that one in person!! Precious look like it might be in the purple family too. Definitely not worth buying those sight unseen!! I can only vouch for the three I have!!

    5. Right. Purple. As in Barney the Dinosaur meets a lurid Easter Egg. I think I'll go for Daring and Demure this time. If I like them, I'll check back for more.

    6. Online reviews for Edgy are saying it's like Clinique Black Honey, which is a no go for me, but not only are the lipststicks $3.99, you can get $1 off and 50% off the second. So one is costing me $2.99 and the other $1.99 so maybe I'll try Edgy anyway, and hope it's more plum than that gawdawful red raisin that is Black Honey on me.

      CoverGirls recommended Hipster for me, but I read it's a warm reddish bronze. Blech.

      Yes! I have been using both brushes, photographed them, and the pictures are in my queue waiting to reviewed. But because I am not a terrible tease, I can tell you that the Kokutan L makes me want to faint every morning. The Suqqu is really nice, but the other one ... *swoon* Unfortunately, getting ready for this blog sale is all consuming.

    7. Well that's a really good price!! I might have to order a few more since they are practically giving them away!!!

      OMG-- I will have to put the Kokutan L on my list then!! I can only imagine how consuming your preparation for the big blog sale actually is!!! How about the G5523BkSL-- is it close enough to your scratchy old MAC 217 that you are happy with it?

    8. Here is a swatch of Edgy in comparison to Clinique's BH-- they don't really look all that similar here.

    9. The G5523BkSL is more flat, but I read a review that it fluffed out after washing, so I will do that this weekend. I like it a lot, but I would not call it LOVE like the Suqqu cheek brush, which I look forward to using every day along wit the Hakuhodo S114 and now the Kokutan L. Seriously, I feel a hitch in my heart when I see that new Kokutan. Anyway, I am hoping G5523BkSL grows on me over time. I disliked a few Hakuhodos at first that, ultimately, became favorites.

      Oh, and the BOGO/$1 off only works for two. If you add 4 you'll only get the discount on 2, so I am going to do just Daring and Edgy. If Edgy is a bomb, I'll only have spent $1.99 on it. I have certainly done FAR worse in the past than that. ;)

    10. I hope the G5523BkSL fluffs out a bit for you. I will hold off on buying it, and see what your verdict is first. Did you see Gaia's review of the Hakuhodo S127 from yesterday? -- it's making my mouth water!

      That's a lame BOGO/$1-- they could sell so much more!!

    11. Nice! I have the S133, which I think is a little longer than the 127. Hakuhodo sells the one I bought as a socket brush.

    12. OMG, look at what you girls made me do. I'm back on that damn Hakuhodo website again. Good thing my self control is good this week, so I'm just browsing ;)

      By the way Lola, I think my RBR + Steamcream order arrived today. I hope my husband remembers to bring it home.

    13. Barney the Dinosaur meets a lurid Easter Egg is a no go for sure! I think Daring and Demure are safe choices- the more questionable colors should really be seen in person. Inexpensive or not-- there's no sense in throwing out money. After all what about that cottage by the ocean with seagulls for neighbors!!

      The S133 is also such a tempting brush!

    14. Oh Adelle, you are playing with fire-- the Hakuhodo website is so dangerous!! Did you end up getting the B103BkSL to replace your mangled Sigma brush? I don't recall you telling me that you actually placed the order.

      I sure hope that your husband picked up your package. I got a little sample of Steamcream in my order-- it's really lovely-- plus the tins are sooo cute!

    15. No, I never ended up ordering it. My husband keeps telling me he may be going to Japan, so I keep holding off. I was hoping to actually find a store in Japan that sells Hakuhodo or something similar, so I can see and touch before I buy :)

    16. I think that it is a lot easier to find them in Japan-- plus they have special brushes that are only available there!

  5. My CG Lipslicks arrived. I got Demure, Edgy, Precious, and Daring and like them all. They aren't as slick and glossy as RCS, but they are not bad, not bad at all, and at $5.99 (not on sale) you get as much product, and the color lasts about as long.

    Edgy is prettier than I thought it woudl be. It has a bit too much brown in it for me, but I would not say this is like Clinique Black Honey at all, which is a warm raisin. Demure doesn't show up on my lips at all, but it feels nice. Prescios is a gorgeous color but if I swipe too many times it goes a bit 60s mod on me. Thanks for turning me on to these. I like them better than Revlon Lip Butter. The only thing I could do without is the weird fruity smell.

    1. I'm glad that you like them. I agree that they aren't as slick as RCS. Not bad at all indeed--and a better price that Revlon Lip Butters. These are really growing on me, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think that I might also prefer them to the Revlon Lip Butters as well.

      I tried to find Edgy yesterday, but they were out of stock. I will definitely look for Precious as well-- I will be aware and won't swipe too many times!! The smell is a little weird, but i find that the taste subsides pretty quickly!

    2. I almost forgot- RCS Antigone is supposed to be arriving today from Saks-- WOO HOO!!!! I have to shoot some quick pictures so that I can try it!!

    3. Woo hoo! I almost hope you don't like it. I HATE falling in love with a discontinued product.

    4. I know what you mean. However, if it is over the top perfect for me I can always call back Saks and have them send me a back up.

    5. Oh Zu...Antigone is GORGEOUS- as in SERIOUSLY gorgeous. I'm too tired to take pictures, and it's too late in the day to take good pictures, but I really have to use some self-restraint not to use this beauty!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. Aw, go ahead and use it! You can always use my not-yet-used pic. :)

      It's such a pretty pomegranate red, isn't it?

    7. If I cave I will let you know!! Thanks for offering! It's a ridiculously gorgeous color!! Pomegranate red is the perfect way to describe it too!


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