
Friday, June 15, 2012

Chantecaille Sel or MAC Patina? That is the Question- Swatches

One of my beloved readers, BooBooNinja, thought that Chantecaille Sel and MAC Patina might be dupes-- so asked me to swatch them to see. Therefore, when I was a Barneys yesterday I swatched Sel on a cotton pad and brought it home to swatch against Patina. As much as I loaded that cotton pad with pigment it didn't successfully transfer to my arm this morning because much of it had fallen away from the cotton pad before I got back home. I didn't bring Patina with me to Barneys because it is depotted and in a pro palette which I didn't have the space to carry (nor did I want to risk damaging the pan alone). However, I did swatch Sel on my arm at Barneys and immediately knew that it was less bronze and less warm than Patina. As is expected from all of the glorious Chantecaille eye shadows, Sel is buttery soft, fantastically pigmented, and gorgeous to behold. It is definitely markedly differs from Patina as you can see.


  1. Sel is cooler, for sure. Patina has a golden hue.

    So???? What did you think of Chantecaille?

    1. Definitely agree! OMG- Chantecaille shadows are sublime!!! I was so busy getting a facial and visiting that I didn't play at Chantecaille as long as I wanted to. I briefly swatched Granite, Meteorite. Sel and Tanzanite anf definitely want all 4 of them, but I only want to buy them in the refill. I also want RCS in Bonheur & Fètiche. I need to recover a bit from my Beautyhabit splurge first!

    2. I am so glad you finally saw Chantecaille! *fist pump* I agree it's best to cool of a bit and enjoy the RBR product you bought recently. Then when and if you decide to spring for Chante, you'll adore them.

      And yes, Boneur and Fetiche are really gorgeous. Did you also see Romance? You might like that, as it's a cool rose-pink with the slightest hint of coral.

      I am exhausted! I just finished pulling together all the stuff I am taking to my parents tomorrow for an outdoor barbeque. Early Father's Day. We're grilling stuff, and I made my famous pink potato salad (has beets in it, even my potato salad is a girly-girl dish), stuffed tomatoes, garlic green beans with pimentos, cold, grilled ratatouille, and for dessert! Strawberry Shortcake with Grand Marnier Strawberry Compote and Chantilly Cream!!!!! OMG I keep looking at the mascerated stawberries on the counter and it's all I can do not to plow my face right into the center. I also made some rhubarb for dad, he loves the stuff.

    3. Yes, Chantecaille is all sorts of amazing. I had only looked and played with her concealers in the past-- I have also tried some deluxe sized samples of her skincare--- but ooooooooh those creamy tummy eye shadows are out of this world!!

      I did see Romance and thought it was gorgeous-- I swatched it and was quite impressed by the lovely color!

      Wow, you really have been busy preparing for your Father's Day BBQ-- it sounds positively lovely. What a yummy feast. What temptation to see those mascerating strawberries beckoning you!! I love rhubarb-- especially pie!! What time do you want me to show up and what can I bring :D

      Father's Day makes me sad since my dad is gone. It's been 6 years, which is a bit hard to believe!

    4. Oh, I'm so sad you no longer have your father. I can't believe I have made it to this age and not lost anyone I love, so I will be a right mess when it happens, and it could happen any day, you know? It's one reason I spend as much time as I can with them. My grandparents died when I was a child, so I have, literally, not yet had to face death other than a pet and that alone knocked me out.

      Dare I ask what a creamy tummy eye shadow is??

    5. Me too-- thank you!! It's also his birthday at the end of the month-- so it's a bit of a double whammy. That's pretty remarkable- you are very very lucky!! YOU just realize how fragile and precious it all is! You deal with it the best you can when it happens-- that's all you can do! It's so important to spend that time with them!! It definitely knocks the wind out of your sails- that's for sure!

      Well that was a Freudian slip if ever there was one-- I meant creamy yummy eye shadow, not tummy-- but I'm hungry because I haven't eaten since breakfast!

  2. Patina is definitely warmer/ more golden. I always wondered how close Sel was to NArs' Ashes to Ashes... I'm really just trying to come up with a reason not to order Sel...

    1. Sel is absolutely exquisite on the back of my hand. I sometimes apply it and Granite side by side, just so I can admire it while I am working (hands on the keyboard, and all). Sadly Sel is a touch too warm for my eyelids. It really does have that golden-grey glistening color of rock sea salt.

    2. I totally agree Kate! I don't have NARS Ashes to Ashes to compare. I thought that Sel was going to be too warm, but it wasn't I agree-- I want it too!

    3. I can see why you would just apply Sel and Granite to just admire them!! Zu- do you have Ashes to Ashes to compare them? I remember you saying that Sel was too warm for your eyes- so imagine that if you had Ashes to Ashes that you probably purged it due to the warmth!

    4. I did once have Ashes to Ashes and gave it away. Too warm.

  3. Oh Lola! I started blushing when I read my name and I'm still blushing!
    Thank you for the lovely shout out! :)
    Did you see the tiny micro-glitters in Sel? It's an utterly beautiful colour and despite the glitter, it's got my heart more than Patina does.

    By the way, did you also get a chance to check out Burberry?

    1. You are so very welcome, Boo. It was totally my pleasure! I did see the micro-glitters. It is so gorgeous, so refined, so creamy smooth, the pigmentation is astounding, the color is spectacular. In fairness obviously one cannot compare a luxury brand eye shadow to one that is mid range (generally speaking), but the choice between the two is a pretty obvious one! That said, the colors are different enough that you don't have to remove Patina from your wish list if you still love it. I still love Patina, but Sel is definitely on my list of shadows that I want. I do suspect that once I do get it that Patina might not get quite as much love. If I were you, and I wanted to choose-- I agree-- I would definitely go for Sel. Thankfully we can get the refill instead- so that will save some money!

      I didn't get to see the Burberry shadows- even though they were only a few doors down at Saks. By the time that I was done at Barneys (Facial, Makeover, checking out the Chantecaille eye shadows, swatching Sunday Riley lip glosses and shooting pictures, and socializing with my friends) it was starting to get late and I needed to get going. My next department store adventure will definitely include a trip to a Burberry counter!

  4. Facial and makeover? Please share photos and your experiences. We're on our way to the States for the weekend, so I may be taking advantage of US cosmetics prices. The only thing is I'm hesitant given factors such as ZuZu's recent posts and my longstanding desire for a discriminate, highly edited collection. I already own more than I can finish.

    So here's my frivolous First World problem: resolving the above sentiment with the fact that I have yet to discover my core products and colours. Since I'm looking for items that I'll stay with for years, I'm interested in quality; unfortunately, that usually comes at a co$t and unfortunately that's not realistic for a student. :( I adore mattes and you and others have initiated a yen for RBR ... But how can I justify purchasing something unswatched? Same goes for Inglot -- I hear they have excellent mattes, but I'd also be purchasing them unswatched.

    Ok. Enough with all this pessimism. I'm blabbing because we're stuck in a long border lineup. Happy Saturday!

    1. Hi Boo, I hope that you have a lovely weekend here. Are you going to NYC because of the proximity? I didn't take any pictures of my facial and makeover. I didn't actually even think to do so.It was a Sunday Riley facial and makeover-- and the aesthetician and the makeup artist are friends of mine-- so we just spent the whole time talking about totally beauty unrelated stuff. But both the facial and makeover where phenomenal.

      I hear your problem-- I am struggling with the same issue of trying to more carefully edit my collection, and given that I nobly have one face I already have way more makeup than I could ever use in a lifetime.

      As a student you certainly have to be careful not to squander your resources-- in a way it's a really good way to be forced to make very smart decisions. Well, you do have those 6 emptied to B2MAC-- so you can pick up Vex or Satin Taupe for free. It seems pretty clear that Chante Sel is on your short list too. As for RBR-- since there is no way at this time for you to see them in person you simply have to take a leap of faith as we all did. I certainly doubt that you will be disappointed. I do agree with your earlier assessment that you might want to wait until all of the colors that you want become available in the refill pans-- that way you can save money-- plus Zuneta and Beautyhabit both have sales throughout the year- so you can always take advantage of that when the time comes. As for Inglot-- don't you have any freestanding boutiques in Canada yet? I know that there are a few places in the US.

      I don't think that you are being pessimistic-- just a smart and discriminating consumer on a student's budget. I think it is smart to take your time, and be sure that what you want is worthy of bringing into your collection, and so amazing that it is a justifiable expense in your budget. I mean it is only makeup, and there will always be temptations-- and you don't need to own everything that appeals to you. That said-- if there's anything that you really know that you want, and you can get it here for a much better price (and you can afford to do it) then it might be worth seriously considering.

      Enjoy your weekend! I want to hear about it when you get back!

      I hope that you have a FABULOUS weekend!!

    2. Hey Lola -- I'm pretty pooped. I'll write back tomorrow, 'k?

    3. I can imagine!! I can't wait to hear about your trip, and I'm wondering whether you bought any makeup while oyu were here!!

    4. We're on the west coast (like you) so we went to Seattle. We didn't get a chance to do any mall shopping so I didn't get any high end makeup. I did get 2 Revlon balm stains, which we don't have yet. I liked the concept of a long-wearing, non-transferable & non-sticky lip product. I chose Honey for it's subtlety and Darling for something also subtle but out of my comfort zone (not daring but I dont wear lip colour). There wasn't much of a selection, so I was fortunate Honey was available. I was interested in Rendezvous -- maybe next time.

    5. (Posted the 1st part just in case I lost my comment again.)
      They're actually fun to wear, and I had a coupon so my budget is intact.

      After we returned, i had some time to kill while my laptop was getting fixed so I checked out Sel and Burberry again. I am now certain Sel rocks Pale Barley & MAC Satin Taupe. (I got Vex via B2M.) I told my fiancé Sel is on my Christmas/birthday list. :)

      I did a written makeup inventory last week and surprised myself with what I own. I organized my list by colour and, despite not having too much, I definitely have more than enough to play with. The inventory exercise prompted me to cancel my beauty box subscription, and I've decided to put myself on a makeup ban for the time being. (Oh. I'm surprised that I typed/blurted that out!) I'm allowing myself to continue trying to swap stuff on MUA and to purchase from ZuZu's upcoming blog sale.

    6. ps I'm writing my comments on my smart phone -- I hope they make sense. I'm paranoid I'll hit the wrong key and the page will refresh ... and I'll lose everything I wrote.

    7. Well, it's probably better that you weren't able to do mall shopping- you have shown tremendous self-restraint, and that would have only fueled the temptation to buy!!! I', glad that you were able to get a couple of the Revlon balm stains. Do you find them drying? Do you have to put them on top of a lip balm? I'm so glad that you got a coupon-- that's the lovely thing about drugstore brands-- too bad that the department stores don't offer coupons and sales on makeup!!!! I hope that you are really happy with the colors that you got! I'm surprised that they haven't made it to Canada yet, but i imagine that you will be getting them soon.

      I'm actually pretty pleased to hear that Sel rocks Burberry and MAC Satin Taupe. Sel and Meteorite are the two that I am the most obsessed with-- and being able to buy them both in the refill pan is a huge advantage! I'm so glad that you got Vex via B2M! I hope that you are loving it! Putting Sel on your birthday/Christmas list is a great idea.

      Wow, good for you for doing a written inventory-- I should do that -- it would definitely shame me into the no-buy zone. I have far too much, and I know it! Shopping your own stash is a really smart thing to do. I'm trying to hit the pan on a few things, and trying to finish up a few things that have already hit the pan. Good for you for canceling your beauty box subscription. I'm glad to hear that you will lift your makeup buying moratorium for Zuzu's blog sale-- that should prove to be quite an amazing event!

    8. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't done the inventory all in one go. It was a little depressing (who needs so much shampoo and conditioner?!), but an excellent eye-opener.

      I haven't played with the Revlon balm stains enough to give you my definitive opinion, but so far I like them quite a bit. The two I got aren't drying. Darling seemed to apply less smoothly than Honey the first time I tried it, but I don't remember this being an issue the other times I put it on.

    9. I know what you mean, BooBoo, but it's really good to get the reality check every now and again! At least you know that you don't need to spend money on shampoo and conditioner for a while!!

      I'm so glad that the two Revlon Balm Stains that you got aren't drying. Honey looks like a really lovely one. Interesting that Darling isn't as smooth!

      BTW, I caved and ordered Sel in the refill pan!! I haven't received it yet, but will definitely do a post once I have played with it a bit! :D

    10. Eeeeeeeeee! Selllllllllllllllll!
      I'm SO excited for you! :D :D :D <-- *and* grinning like a crazy person :D

      ps I take back what I said about Darling before. It applies plenty smooth. Maybe it's the way I apply the Kissable Balm Stains, but I haven't gotten any patchiness or skipping since the first time. I do a rough application to my lips with the side of the exposed "cone" and then I line the lips with the tip. If I want to build up the pigmentation, I go back over my lips with the side of the cone. Does that make sense?

    11. I know, I caved!!! I keep stalking the UPS tracking number too see when it will arrive!! I'm so excited that I can barely stand it. I am definitely of the opinion that buying Chantecaille in the refill pan is the most economical way to start collecting the shadows-- it really does hurt so much less!

      I'm so happy to hear that Darling is smooth. I think that the way that you are applying them is brilliant-- plus it will maintain the shape best that way! I'm quite interested in getting my hands on Honey-- I love how that one looks swatched!

  5. Interesting to see both together, I keep meaning to get Sel, mind you there is a lot of Chantecaille I keep meaning to get :) x

    1. I would never have thought to look at the two together-- I have to credit BooBooNinja- who wanted to see them together. Sel is just so gorgeous, and so much prettier in person. I think that it will work well with your coloring. Chantecaille shadows are so buttery soft and glorious. I want Meteorite, Sel, Granite and Tanzanite!! How do you find that the Chantecaille shadows compare to your lovely Burberry Pale Barley & Midnight Brown? I am trying to recover a bit from my mega RBR haul from the Beautyhabit sale so Iit may take a little time before I take the plunge!

    2. Hi Lola,
      The Burberry are as smooth as Chantecaille I'd say, perhaps not as soft, but pigment is much better from Burberry, both lovely shadow brands though x

    3. Oh dear, this could be truly dangerous on my wallet!! I need to go swatch them side by side! I need to pay off my RBR haul credit card bills before I go do any Burberry & Chatecaille swatching! :-) Just what I need-- new lemmings that result in adding a couple more luxury brands into my stash!

    4. Thanks, BooBoo- I am really trying to refrain from spending more before paying for my RBR haul first!!!!!!!! :-)


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