
Thursday, May 31, 2012

NARS Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner Film

While I am still eagerly awaiting the arrival of my NARS 413 BLKR Eyeshadow, I have been enjoying all things NARS- including these videos!


  1. How can it be your 413 BLKR hasn't arrived yet?? Grrrrr. It reminds me of the SIX WEEKS I waited for my new RBR Sweet Dust to arrive. It was so frustrating.

    1. I KNOW!!! I was just thinking the same thing! I even called my credit card company to see if the charge went through. The charge appeared 2 days after I ordered it- so they were running slow on that end, and then of course that was further delayed by the holiday I suppose. I'm giving them a couple more days before calling! SIX WEEKS for SDS to arrive?! Did it arrive on the back of a snail? Now that really is frustrating!!

    2. Back of a snail, lol.

      Guess what I did last night? I depotted two NARS eyeshadows! It was quite easy, but oh, lord, did that rubber compact put out a stink. I am surprised the 5 cats and I survived the ordeal. Next time I will do it outside.

      I am now working up the nerve to depot the Douceurs de Paris palette, because I really only use 2-3 out of the 6, and there are 2 I will NEVER use (Fez/Nepal).

    3. WOW!! Your Z-Palette must be getting mighty full!! OMG your house must have smelled like one hot chemical mess!! Images of you triumphant, but on a respirator isn't a good visual (with 5 kitty respirators and one for Mr. P)!! Good idea doing it outside next time!! You should do a post showing the results of your depotting adventure!

    4. I don't even have a Z! I do have four UNII, which I prefer. They are more substantial (not cardboard), with a rubber gasket along the edge, a top that closes securely, and a full-sized mirror inside. What's more, even though they have a smaller footprint, I can carry an eyeliner or small brush inside, too.

      I am thinking of filling a second one with my JI powder, NARS blush (I'd have to depot Gaiety, sniffle), and one of my highlighters. I am not sure how easy MAC Beauty Powder or my Chanel Doucer pinkish thinky would be to depot! I don't think I am ready for that adventure yet.

      Mr. P is in the woods this week, so he was spared the stench, but apparently he's had the barf bug. No fun when tent camping. I am surprised he hasn't come home early, especially since the weather has been crappy until today, but he might do tonight. I told him I was making chicken soup.

      I think I will do a post showing my depot adventures.

    5. Is the UNII that cute palette that you have often shown with that charming flower magnet to hold things in place? I have a super big crush on that palette!!

      I like the idea of everything in one place-- it's so convenient. Wow, depotting Gaiety would be a monumental step in the direction of abandoning all extraneous packaging! I have no idea how easy it would be to depot MAC Beauty Powders, but I suspect that it would be about the same as depotting MAC eye shadows and blushes. Chanel, on the other hand might be a little trickier! Do you have any old Chanel packaging that is nearly empty that you could try this type of surgery on first?

      Poor Mr. P-- I had the flu last week and Mr. S the week before that. It was miserable, but we both escaped without the barf bug! I'm surprised that he didn't come home- though traveling under those conditions sounds pretty miserable!! The chicken soup will certainly be wonderful- assuming he can keep it down. :-(

      I look forward to seeing your depotting adventure!!

    6. Yes, the UNII is that adorable little palette with the single flower. It reminds me of Chanel's camellia.

      I will have to look around for an old Chanel palette to do exploratory surgery on!

      Sorry to hear you were sick. I (knock on wood) have not been sick since I started supplementing vitamin D, not even a cold, since 2006. I worry that Mr. P's thing is a recurrence of Lyme's, which he contracted last year.

    7. That's so funny- it reminds me of the Chanel camellia as well! I think that I will have to buy one of them!! I have far too many individual pots of eyeshadows etc-- it becomes very difficult to keep track of all of those little baubles!

      Wow- not a bug since 2006?! That is extremely impressive!!! I am inconsistent with my Vit. D supplements-- what you have said is just the right push that I needed to get more consistent!!

      My father-in-law has Lyme's-- the recurrences are no fun. I hope that it's just a common flu that Mr. P has-- it is really going around right now!!

    8. And TSW, don't worry about commenting on older posts -- I do it all the time and the lovely Lola still responds. :) Ooops. I hope I'm not sticking my foot in my mouth. Lola, do you mind?

      I love depotting too. The only thing that gets me is arranging the pans with the least amount of wasted space. I don't have OCD, but I can see tendencies emerge when I'm rearranging things. Thankfully I don't have too much makeup! I love the look of the UNII palettes too. The white ones look deliciously sleek. TSW, I tried to find your blog through your Blogger link but nothing came up -- I'd love to see how your palettes turn out too! I use an Inglot travel palette to hold my depots. You can't get it in stores anymore but I found someone on eBay who still carries them. They are a great size, but aren't deep enough to house brushes like the UNII can.

    9. You are so kind, BooBoo! And of course I don't ever mind when you jump in-- quite the contrary!

      I totally agree with you that the white UNII palettes look deliciously sleek. The Inglot palettes are really cool looking too. I only have the MAC 15 pan palette, the MAKE UP FOR EVER 10 pan palette and 4 pan palette, and then one of the Trish Mc Evoy Palettes. Thus far my depotting adventures haven't involved having to figure out how to arrange everything in order to minimize wasted space since most of my palettes have slots for each pan. The Trish McEvoy Palette (a hand me down from my mom) is part of that organizer system, but my inclination is to fill it with deputed shadows.

      It seems as though you have a really good system going BooBoo!

    10. Boo, TSW is me. I have various gmail addresses and I sometimes forget I am signed onto one computer one way and another computer another way. I am usually more careful, but I goofed this time. ;D

      x Zuzu

    11. Hi Zuuuuuuu! Tee Hee! I'm giggling because I was pretty close to telling " TSW" to check out your blog b/c I know you have the white UNII's.

      I don't have any UNII palettes myself. I have 2 inglot travel palettes that are about 1.5 full. I'd like to limit myself to a maxiumum of 2 palettes. Unfortunately, I want to buy a palette insert and the seller will sell one to me only along with a palette. Can I deal with the temptation of an empty, product-less palette?

    12. ROFL-- "Can I deal with the temptation of an empty, product-less palette?" Like you- I don't actually have OCD, but something like a half-empty palette would make me have a compulsive need to either depot and fill it, or buy stuff to fill it!!!

    13. Does. Not. Compute. ;D

  2. I'm curious about the Andy Warhal collection. Do you know when it's going to be released or anything about it?

    1. It's supposed to launch in October in the US and everywhere else in November. I am so curious as well. It is licensed with The Andy Warhol Foundation, but created by François Nars-- so it should really prove to be interesting. I am hoping that the packaging is quintessential Warhol. I keep imagining Edie Sedgwick inspired makeup! I can't wait to see this collection!

    2. NARS did their job with the video teaser -- it told me so little but hyped up the collection in my mind so much.

      * please excuse my typo. I *know* it's Andy WarhOl!

    3. I agree! that is exactly what I took a way from it as well! Very effective, and leaves you wanting more!!!! :-)

  3. I know this is an older post, but since Lo and Boo are talking today, I thought I'd mention that NARS has free 2-day shipping for 5 days. I think it started yesterday.

    I'm just sayin'.

    1. REALLY, I missed that -- they sent me an email, but I didn't read it closely!! YAY!!! Did you end up indulging in Beautyhabit's 20% off of British products sale? I went nuts on RBR (AGAIN)!!

    2. I passed. I am happy to report I have not purchased a single eyeshadow since ... I think it was 413 BLKR!

      My everyday palette is down to around 8, all of which I squeezed into a single UNII palette.

    3. woo hoo! Great work, ZuZu!
      Please share your new everyday palette with your readers :)
      I didn't partake in the Beautyhabit sale either. I'm waiting until RBR releases more of my preferred singles in the less expensive refill format.

    4. Boo- she told me she's doing a post on Monday featuring her UNII palette!! How happy are we????!!!!!! The two of you are showing astonishing self-control, and I am extraordinarily impressed! I caved and placed a couple of orders. My rationale was that I was going to get those things at some point and didn't want to pay full price! :D Amazing what one can convince themselves of!!

      Smart choice waiting for the refills-- so much more economical-- I do with the refills were the same size as the regular eye shadows though.

    5. Yes, I am planning to put up something UNII-like tomorrow, but now the post has grown such that I might have to divide it in two.

    6. Even better!!!!!!!!!! That sounds twice as good!

    7. woooooo!
      lola and boobooninja have a dance party :)

    8. You know it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


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