
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lola's Happy Garden


  1. Thank you for sharing these pics of your lovely garden. Love all those beautiful shades of purple & white together. Simply gorgeous!

    1. You are so welcome, Naomi-- it was a pleasure sharing it! I just wish the lilac tree was still in bloom!! It would be even better if the fuchsia blossoms of the Crepe Myrtle were exploding now as well! Not that I am honestly complaining-- I'm really enjoying what's in bloom right now!

  2. Wow, I am seriously behind. What a gorgeous garden. I adore your hydrangea lacecaps but what are those pink/purple nodding droopy things? Is that columbine?

    I really am drooling. Such a perfect blend of color and textures in greens against that lovely putty-greige siding.

    1. Thanks, Zu! I barely showed any of the garden-- because I had far too much weeding to do-- so I only showed a few select spots that aren't shamefully in need of attention!

      Do you mean the fuchsia plant beneath the hydrangea lace caps, or the trumpet vine below the fuchsia. If you are referring to the purple violet bush turned tree above hydrangea-- I can't remember what it's called for the life of me.

      The top two pictures against the house is a long bed in front of my study room-- it's lovely to open the windows when the jasmine is in bloom because it fills the room with the sweetest smell. It makes for a lovely place to read and write-- even when I am being crowded out by the cats and dog! :-)


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