
Friday, January 27, 2012

I Love the Theatricality of Illamasqua: The Theatre of the Nameless is an Intertextual Dream Come True!

The other day when I was drooling over so many of the products on the Illamasqua website I decided to have another look at the Theatre of the Nameless Collection (Fall/Winter 2011), and was immediately struck by a bolt of lightning! These images were so hauntingly familiar, where had I seen them before-- what glorious theatrical reference was being made (either unconsciously or intentionally)? Then I had my Aha! Moment that led me right back to my childhood..."Dammit Janet"
Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)

The similarities between Tim Curry's character Dr. Frank-N-Furter from Rocky Horror and the Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless campaign imagery is remarkable and fantastical. This Collection is an intertextual delight for those who like Rocky Horror Picture Show, but is an artistic and theatrical marvel even for those unaware of the film. I love Illamasqua's theatrical approach to makeup, and while I would not dare to wear my makeup with this type of verve I certainly do appreciate their daring artifice.
Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless

Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless


  1. OMG one of my favorite shows. Ever. The model looks just like Magenta. I reviewed a RBR lipstick where the only good picture that came out (true color) was with my mouth downturned, and it reminded me of RHPS liops.

    1. MINE TOO!!!! LOL! It's crazy the model is a conflation of Magenta and Dr. Frank-N-Furter. SHe looks like Magenta but is wearing his makeup!! We used to love to go see it in the theater-- I just loved the late night freak show!

      That's AWESOME!! It sure seems as though our youth was informed by a lot of the same stuff!!


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